
Race and Ethnicity

Rebuilding Common Purpose for the 21st Century with New Civic Infrastructure
by Dowell Myers and Karen Trapenberg Frick, May 6, 2022
> Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy

Hispanic Homeownership Advancement through Recession and Boom
Explains how to use the 5-year ACS files to trace growth of homeownership by cohorts during the Great Recession, then turning upward in the recovery years after 2014. Compares US, LA county, and a gentrifying district
by Dowell Myers and David Flores-Moctezuma, November 3, 2021 > Cityscape (pdf)

The Truth About White America
Explains the twists and turns in racial trends derived from changes in the 2020 census
by Morris Levy, Richard Alba, and Dowell Myers, October 25, 2021
> The Atlantic IDEAS

The Myth of a Majority-Minority America
Explains how growing multiracialism is impacting interpretations of traditional binary racial categories
by Richard Alba, Morris Levy, and Dowell Myers, June 13, 2021
> The Atlantic IDEAS