Associate Professor

Andrew and Erna Viterbi Early Career Chair

Departments of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Quantitative and Computational Biology, and Computer Science

Associate Director of the USC-Meta Center for Research and Education in AI and Learning

USC Machine Learning Center

USC Center for Systems and Control

Email: razaviya @ usc .  edu

Google Scholar Page
Curriculum Vitae


Meisam Razaviyayn is an associate professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Computer Science, Quantitative and Computational Biology, and Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California. He is also the associate director of the USC- Meta Center for Research and Education in AI and Learning; and also is a faculty visitor at Google Research. Prior to joining USC, he was a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University and was a Visiting Scientist at the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing at UC, Berkeley. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science at the University of Minnesota. He obtained his M.Sc. degree in Mathematics from the University of Minnesota. Meisam Razaviyayn is the recipient of the 2022 NSF CAREER Award, the 2022 Northrop Grumman Excellence in Teaching Award, the 2021 AFOSR Young Investigator Award, the 2021 3M Nontenured Faculty Award, 2020 ICCM Best Paper Award in Mathematics, IEEE Data Science Workshop Best Paper Award in 2019, the Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award in 2014, and the finalist for Best Paper Prize for Young Researcher in Continuous Optimization in 2013 and 2016. He is also the silver medalist of Iran’s National Mathematics Olympiad. His research interests include the design and the study of the fundamental aspects of optimization algorithms that arise in the modern data science era.

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