Dr. Dessouky received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial Engineering from Purdue University in 1984 and 1987, respectively. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from the University of California at Berkeley in 1992.
His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, PATH, Caltrans, FTA, Department of Defense, and Department of Homeland Security and its National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) among others. He was recipient of the 2007 Transportation Science & Logistics Best Paper Prize (“Optimal Slack Time for Schedule-Based Transit Operations”).
He is a Fellow of the Institute of Operations Research and Management Science (INFORMS) and the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE). Dr. Dessouky was a recipient of IISE Operations Research Division Excellence in Teaching Award, the USC Associates Award in Teaching (Top University Award for Teaching), Alpha Pi Mu/Omega Rho Outstanding Teacher of the Year in Industrial Systems Engineering, the USC Award for Excellence in Teaching, and the TRW School of Engineering Teacher Award.
He is area/associate editor of Computers & Industrial Engineering, IISE Transactions, and Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, and previously served as Area/Associate Editor of ACM Transactions of Modelling and Computer Simulation and IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems and editorial board member of Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review. From 2010-2018, He served as the Director of The Daniel J. Epstein Institute.
(in print or accepted; names listed in order of authorship)
Transportation and Service
“A General Coupled Morning-evening Traffic Equilibrium Model with Rideshare, Ride-hailing and Public Transit Services,” to appear Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (W. Gu, H. M. Zhang, M. Dessouky, and J. S. Pang) (PDF)
“Congestion Reduction via Personalized Incentives,” to appear Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies, 152, 104153, 2023 (A. Ghafelebashi, M. Razaviyayn, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
“Pickup and Delivery Problem with Hard Time Windows Considering Stochastic and Time-dependent Travel Times,” to appear EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 12, 100099, 2023 (Z. Wang, Dessouky, T. Van Woensel, and P. Ioannou) (PDF)
“Personalized Freight Route Recommendations with System Optimality Considerations: A Utility Learning Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24, 400-411, 2023 (A. Papadopoulos, I. Kordonis, M. Dessouky, and P. Ioannou) (PDF)
“Train Shunting and Routing in High-Speed Railway Depot,” Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies, 143, 103819, 2022 (X. Xu and M. Dessouky) (PDF)
“Computationally Efficient Train Timetable Generation in Large-scale Urban Metro Network with Uncertain Transfer Walking Time: A Generalized Benders Decomposition-based Method," Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 163, 210-231, 2022 (Y. Hu, S. Li, M. Dessouky, L. Yang, and Z. Gao) (PDF)
“Mixed Freight Dynamic Routing Using a Co-Simulation Optimization Approach,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23, 12833 – 12845, 2021 (P. Chen, P. Ioannou, and M. Dessouky) (PDF)
“Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Ride-Sharing,” Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 150, 410-434, 2021 (S. Hu, M. M. Dessouky, N. Uhan, and P. Vayanos) (PDF)
"Acyclic Mechanism Design for Freight Consolidation, " Transportation Science, 56, 571-584, 2021 (W. Zhang, N. Uhan, M. M. Dessouky, and A. Toriello)(PDF)
“Heavy-Duty Trucks: The Challenge of Getting to Zero,” Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment, 93, 102742, 2021 (G. Giuliano, M. M. Dessouky, S. Dexter, J. Fang, S. Hu, and M. Miller) (PDF)
"Personalized Pareto-Improving Pricing Schemes for Near-Optimum Freight Routing: An Alternative Approach to Congestion Pricing," Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies, 125, 103004, 2021 (A. Papadopoulos, I. Kordonis, M. M. Dessouky, and P. Ioannou) (PDF)
"Solving the Empty Container Problem using Double-Container Trucks to Reduce Vehicle Miles," International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 13, 102-129, 2021 (S. C. Minvielle and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"An Online Cost Allocation Model for Horizontal Supply Chains, " Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies, 122, 102888, 2021 (H. Zou, M. M. Dessouky, and S. Hu) (PDF)
"Decomposition-Based Approximation Algorithms for the One-Warehouse Multi-Retailer Problem with Concave Batch Order Costs," Naval Research Logistics, 67, 503-523, 2020 (W. Hu, Z. Yu, A. Toriello, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
“Collaborative Optimization of Last-train Timetable with Passenger Accessibility: A Space-time Network Design Based Approach, ” Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies, 114, 572-597, 2020 (L. Yang, Z. Di, M. M. Dessouky, Z. Gao, and J. Shi) (PDF)
"A Routing Model and Solution Approach for Alternative Fuel Vehicles with Consideration of the Fixed Fueling Time," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 142, 106364, 2020 (Y. Shao, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Mechanisms for Cooperative Freight Routing: Incentivizing Individual Participation," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21, 2155-2166, 2020 (I. Kordonis, M. M. Dessouky, and P. Ioannou) (PDF)
"A General Equilibrium Model for Transportation Systems with e-Hailing Services and Flow Congestion," Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 129, 273-304, 2019 (X. Ban, M. M. Dessouky, J.-S. Pang, and R. Fan) (PDF)
"Coordinated Freight Routing with Individual Incentives for Participation," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20, 3397-3408, 2019 (A. Papadopoulos, I. Kordonis, M. M. Dessouky, and P. Ioannou) (PDF)
"Dynamic Multimodal Freight Routing using a Co-Simulation Optimization Approach," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20, 2657 – 2667, 2019 (Y. Zhao, P. Ioannou, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Stochastic Passenger Train Timetabling using a Branch and Bound Approach," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 127, 1223-1240, 2019 (L. Liu, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Moulin Mechanism Design for Freight Consolidation, " Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 116, 141-162, 2018 (W. Zhang, N. Uhan, M. M. Dessouky, and A. Toriello) (PDF)
"Integrated Inventory Routing and Freight Consolidation for Perishable Goods," European Journal of Operational Research, 271, 548-560, 2018 (W. Hu, A. Toriello, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"A Look-ahead Partial Routing Framework for the Stochastic and Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem," Journal of Vehicle Routing Algorithms, 1, 73-88, 2018 (H. Zou, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Algorithms for a Special Class of State-Dependent Shortest Path Problems with an Application to the Train Routing Problem," Journal of Scheduling, 21, 367-386, 2018 (L. Fu, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"A Decomposition Based Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm for the Joint Passenger and Freight Train Scheduling," Computers & Operations Research, 87, 165-182, 2017 (L. Liu, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Joint Optimal Train Regulation and Passenger Flow Control Strategy for High-Frequency Metro Lines," Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 99, 113-137, 2017 (S. Li, M. M. Dessouky, L. Yang, and Z. Gao) (PDF)
"Models and Algorithms for Dynamic Headway Control for Rail Operations," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 103, 271-281, 2017 (L. Fu, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Routing of Multimodal Freight Transportation Using a Co-simulation Optimization Approach," Conference Proceedings Transportation Research Board, 2017 (Y. Zhao, P. Ioannou, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Ambiguity in Risk Preferences in Robust Stochastic Optimization," European Journal of Operational Research, 254, 214-225, 2016 (W. Haskell, L. Fu, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"The Regional Cooperation-based Warehouse Location Problem for Relief Supplies," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 102, 259-267, 2016 (Y. Chen, Q. Zhao, L. Wang, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"A Pickup and Delivery Problem for Ridesharing Considering Congestion," Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research, 8, 259-269, 2016 (X. Wang, M. M. Dessouky, and F. Ordonez) (PDF)
"Modeling Strategies for Effectively Routing Freight Trains through Complex Networks," Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies, 70, 197-213, 2016 (P. Murali, M. M. Dessouky, and F. Ordonez) (PDF)
"Multimodal Dynamic Load Balancing," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17, 356-366, 2016 (A. Abadi, P. Ioannou, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Routing Courier Delivery Services with Urgent Demand," INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 53, 26-39, 2015 (C. Wang, F. Ordonez, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"A Traffic Assignment Model for a Ridesharing Transportation Market," Journal of Advanced Transportation, 49, 793-816, 2015 (H. Xu, F. Ordonez, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Complementarity Models for Traffic Equilibrium with Ridesharing," Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 81, 161-182, 2015 (H. Xu, J.-S. Pang, F. Ordonez, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Online Cost-Sharing Mechanism Design for Demand-Responsive Transportation Systems," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16, 692-707, 2015 (M. Furuhata, K. Daniel, S. Koenig, F. Ordonez, M. M. Dessouky, M. Brunet, L. Cohen, and X. Wang) (PDF)
"Issuing for Perishable Inventory Management Problem with A Minimum Inventory Volume Constraint," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 76, 280-291, 2014 (Y-M Lee, S. Mu, Z. Shen, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Optimizing Efficiency and Operations at a California Safety-Net Endoscopy Center: A Modeling and Simulation Approach," Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 80, 762-773, 2014 (L. W. Day, D. Belson, M. M. Dessouky, C. Hawkins, and M. Hogan) (PDF)
"Consolidation Strategies for the Delivery of Perishable Products," Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review , 69, 108-121, 2014 (C. Nguyen, M. M. Dessouky, and A. Toriello) (PDF)
"Control Rules for Dispatching Trains on General Networks with Multiple Train Speeds," Conference Proceedings Transport Research Arena 2014, Paris, France, 2014 (S. Mu and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Ridesharing: the State-of-the-art and Future Directions," Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 57, 28-46, 2013 (M. Furuhata, M. M. Dessouky, F. Ordonez, M. Brunet, X. Wang, S. Koenig) (PDF)
"Efficient Dispatching Rules on Double Tracks with Heterogeneous Train Traffic," Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 51, 45-64, 2013 (S. Mu, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Evaluation of Transportation Practices in the California Cut Flower Industry," Interfaces, 43, 182-193, 2013 (C. Nguyen, A. Toriello, M. M. Dessouky, and J. E. Moore) (PDF)
"Facility Location with Demand Uncertainty: Response to a Large-scale Bioterror Attack," in Special Issue on Disasaster Planning and Logistics in Socio-Economic Planning Sciences Economics, 46, 78-87, 2012 (P. Murali, F. Ordonez, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"A Stochastic Mixed-integer Programming Approach to the Energy-Technology Management Problem, " in Special Issue on Energy Management and Economics in Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63, 594-606, 2012 (S. Stoyan and M. M. Dessouky)(PDF)
"Scheduling Freight Trains Traveling on Complex Networks," Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 45, 1103-1123, 2011 (S. Mu, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"The Perishable Inventory Management System with A Minimum Volume Constraint," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 62, 2063-2082, 2011 (Z. Shen, M. M. Dessouky, and F. Ordonez) (PDF)
"A Model and Algorithm for the Courier Delivery Problem with Uncertainty," Transportation Science, 44, 193-205, 2010 (I. Sungur, F. Ordonez, M. M. Dessouky, Y. Ren, and H. Zhong) (PDF)
"The Multi-shift Vehicle Routing Problem with Overtime, " Computers & Operations Research, 37, 1987-1998, 2010 (Y. Ren, M. M. Dessouky, and F. Ordonez) (PDF)
"A Delay Estimation Technique for Single and Double-track Railroads," Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 46, 483-495, 2010 (P. Murali, M. M. Dessouky, F. Ordonez, and K. Palmer) (PDF)
"The Stochastic Vehicle Routing Problem for Minimum Unmet Demand," Optimization and Logistics Challenges in the Enterprise, Springer Series on Optimization and its Applications, 2009 (Z. Shen, F. Ordóñez, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Heuristic Approach for the Integrated Inventory-distribution Problem," Computers and Industrial Engineering, 56, 1519-1534, 2009 (T. Abdelmaguid, M. M. Dessouky, and F. Ordonez) (PDF)
"A Mixed Integer Programming Approach for Allocating Operating Room Capacity," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60, 663-673, 2009 (B. Zhang, P. Murali , M. M. Dessouky, and D. Belson) (PDF)
"A Two-stage Vehicle Routing Model for Large-scale Bioterrorism Emergencies," Networks, 54, 255–269, 2009 (Z. Shen, F. Ordonez, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Sustainable Reverse Logistics for Distribution of Industrial Waste/By-Products: A Joint Optimization of Operation and Environmental Costs ," Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal, 9, 1, 2008 (H. Pourmohammadi, M. M. Dessouky, and M. Rahimi) (PDF)
"A Simulation Study of Demand Responsive Transit System Design," Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 42, 718-737, 2008 (L. Quadrifoglio, M. M. Dessouky, and F. Ordóñez) (PDF)
"Factors Influencing Productivity and Operating Cost of Demand Responsive Transit," Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 42, 503-523, 2008 (K. Palmer, M. M. Dessouky, and Z. Zhou) (PDF)
"A Robust Optimization Approach for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Demand Uncertainty," IIE Transactions , 40, 509–523, 2008 (I Sungur, F. Ordóñez, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Real-time Arrival Estimation at the Nodes of Dynamic Stochastic Networks," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 9, 97-110, 2008 (H. Jula, M. M. Dessouky, and P. Ioannou) (PDF)
"Optimal Service Capacity for a Single-Bus Mobility Allowance Shuttle Transit (MAST) System," Transportation Research, Part B: Methodological, 42, 135-146, 2008 (J. Zhao and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Mobility Allowance Shuttle Transit (MAST) Services: MIP Formulation and Strengthening with Logic Constraints," European Journal of Operational Research, 185, 481-494, 2008 (L. Quadrifoglio, M. M. Dessouky, and F. Ordóñez) (PDF)
"A Priori Performance Measures for Arc-Based Formulations of the Vehicle Routing Problem," Transportation Research Record, 2032, 53-62, 2007 (F. Ordóñez, I. Sungur, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Sensitivity Analyses over the Service Area for Mobility Allowance Shuttle Transit (MAST) Services," Computer-Aided Systems in Public Transport, Springer Series: Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, 2007 (L. Quadrifoglio and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Solution Approaches for Facility Location of Medical Supplies for Large-Scale Emergencies," Computers and Industrial Engineering, 52, 257-276, 2007 (H. Jia, F. Ordóñez, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Territory Planning and Vehicle Dispatching," Transportation Science, 41, 74-89, 2007 (H. Zhong, R. W. Hall, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"An Insertion Heuristic for Scheduling Mobility Allowance Shuttle Transit (MAST) Services," Journal of Scheduling, 10, 25-40, 2007 (L. Quadrifoglio and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"A Modeling Framework for Facility Location of Medical Services for Large-Scale Emergencies" Special Issue of IIE Transactions on Homeland Security, 39, 41-55, 2007 (H. Jia, F. Ordóñez , and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Optimal Slack Time for Schedule-Based Transit Operations," Transportation Science, 40, 529-539, 2006 (J. Zhao, M. M. Dessouky, and S. Bukkapatnam) (PDF)
"Structural Optimization with Tabu Search," ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 132,1858-1868, 2006 (M. Kargahi, J. C. Anderson, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Performance and Design of Mobility Allowance Shuttle Transit (MAST) Services: Bounds on the Maximum Longitudinal Velocity," Transportation Science, 40, 351-363, 2006 (L. Quadrifoglio, R. W. Hall, M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"A New Insertion-based Construction Heuristic for Solving the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Hard Time Windows," European Journal of Operational Research, 175, 672-687, 2006 (Q. Lu and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Genetic Algorithm Approach to the Integrated Inventory-distribution Problem," International Journal of Production Research, 44, 4445-4464, 2006 (T. Abdemaguid, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"A Model for the Fleet Sizing of Demand Responsive Transportation Services with Time Windows," Transportation Research, Part B: Methodological, 40, 651-666, 2006. (M. Diana, M. M. Dessouky, and N. Xia) (PDF)
"An Exact Solution Procedure for Determining the Optimal Dispatching Times for Complex Rail Networks," IIE Transactions 38, 141-152, 2006. (M. M. Dessouky, Q. Lu, J. Zhao, R. Leachman) (PDF)
"Truck Route Planning in Non-Stationary Stochastic Networks with Time-Windows at Customer Locations," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 37; 51-63, 2006. (H. Jula, M. M. Dessouky, and P. Ioannou) (PDF)
"Waiting Strategies for Dynamic Vehicle Control," Transportation Science, 39, 298-312, 2005 (J. Branke, M. Middendorf, G. Noeth and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Container Movement by Trucks in Metropolitan Networks: Modeling and Optimization," Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 41; 235-259, 2005 (H. Jula, M. M. Dessouky, P. Ioannou, and A. Chassiakos) (PDF)
"An Exact Algorithm for the Multiple Vehicle Pickup and Delivery Problem," Transportation Science, 38, 503-514, 2004 (Q. Lu and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Network Design for a Grid Hybrid Transit Service," Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 38, 511-530, 2004. (M. Aldaihani, L. Quadrifoglio, M. M. Dessouky, R. Hall) (PDF)
"Impacts of Management Practices and Advanced Technologies on Demand Responsive Transit Systems," Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 38; 495-509, 2004. (K. Palmer, M. M. Dessouky, and T. Abdelmaguid) (PDF)
"Modeling of Train Movements through Complex Networks," ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 14; 48-75, 2004 (Q. Lu, M. M. Dessouky, and R. C. Leachman) (PDF)
"A New Regret Insertion Heuristic for Solving Large-scale Dial-a-ride Problems with Time Windows," Transportation Research, Part B: Methodological, 38; 539-557, 2004 (M. Diana and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Minimizing the Cost of Availability of Coverage from a Constellation of Satellites: Evaluation of Optimization Methods ," Systems Engineering, 7; 113-122, 2004 (C. Kelley and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Jointly Optimizing Cost, Service, and Environmental Performance in Demand-Responsive Transit Scheduling," Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 8; 433-465, 2003 (M. M. Dessouky, M Rahimi, and M. Weidner) (PDF)
"Distributed Architecture for Real-Time Coordination of Bus Holding in Transit Networks," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 4; 43-51, 2003 (J. Zhao, S. Bukkapatnam, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Hybrid Scheduling Methods for Paratransit Operations," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 45; 75-96, 2003 (M. Aldaihani and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Real-Time Control of Buses for Schedule Coordination at a Terminal," Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 37; 145-164, 2003. (M. M. Dessouky, R. Hall, L. Zhang, and A. Singh) (PDF)
"A Hierarchical Task Model for Dispatching in Computer-Assisted Demand-Responsive Paratransit Operation," ITS Journal, 6; 199-223, 2001. (M. Rahimi and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Optimal Holding Times at Transfer Stations," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 40; 379-397, 2001. (R. Hall, M. M. Dessouky, and Q. Lu) (PDF)
"Bus Dispatching at Timed Transfer Transit Stations Using Bus Tracking Technology," Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies, 7; 187-208, 1999. (M. M. Dessouky, R. Hall, A. Nowroozi, and Karen Mourikas) (PDF)
"A Simulation Modeling Methodology for Analyzing Large Complex Rail Networks," Simulation, 65 (August); 131-142 1995. (M. M. Dessouky and R. C. Leachman) (PDF)
"Loans for which the Acquired Asset Serves as the Collateral," Engineering Economist, 40; 127-143, 1995. (G. A. Fleischer, M. M. Dessouky, and S. M. Ng) (PDF)
"An Agent-based Learning Approach for Teaching the Relationship Between Lot Size and Cycle Time," INFORMS Transactions on Education , 3, No. 1, 2002. (M. M. Dessouky, J. Rickel, and N. Sadagopan) (PDF)
"Sequence-Dependent Batch Chemical Scheduling with Earliness and Tardiness Penalties," International Journal of Production Research, 39; 3085-3107, 2001. (K. McGraw and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
A Methodology for Developing a Web-based Factory Simulator for Manufacturing Education," IIE Transactions, 33; 167-180, 2001. (M. M. Dessouky, S. Verma, D. Bailey, and J. Rickel) (PDF)
"A Loop Material Flow System Design for Automated Guided Vehicles," International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems, 13; 33-48, 2001. (A. Asef-Vaziri, M. M. Dessouky, and C. Sriskandarajh) (PDF)
"Simultaneous Batching and Scheduling for Chemical Processing with Earliness and Tardiness Penalties," Production and Operations Management, 8; 433-444, 1999. (M. M. Dessouky, B. Kijowski and S. Verma) (PDF)
"Multistage Hybrid Flowshop Scheduling with Identical Jobs and Uniform Parallel Machines," Journal of Scheduling, 2; 135-150, 1999. (S. Verma and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"A Virtual Plant Modeler for Batch Chemical Processes," Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing , 10; 211-223, 1999. (C. Robert, M. M. Dessouky, and Y. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Single-Machine Scheduling of Unit-Time Jobs with Earliness and Tardiness Penalties," Mathematics of Operations Research, 23; 930-943, 1998. (S. Verma and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Flowshop Scheduling with Identical Jobs and Uniform Parallel Machines," European Journal of Operational Research, 109; 620-631, 1998. (M. M. Dessouky, M. I. Dessouky and S. Verma) (PDF)
"A Virtual Factory Teaching System in Support of Manufacturing Education," Journal of Engineering Education, 87; 459-467, 1998. (M. M. Dessouky, D. Bailey, S. Verma, G. Bekey, E. Kazlauskas, and S. Adiga) (PDF)
"Scheduling Identical Jobs with Unequal Ready Times on Uniform Parallel Machines to Minimize the Maximum Lateness," Computers and Industrial Engineering, 34; 793-806, 1998. (M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Using Queueing Network Models to Set Lot-sizing Policies for Printed Circuit Board Assembly Operations," Production and Inventory Management, 39; 38-43, 1998. (M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Production Scheduling of Single-Stage Multi-Product Batch Chemical Processes with Fixed Batch Sizes," IIE Transactions, 29; 399-408, 1997. (M. M. Dessouky and B. A. Kijowski) (PDF)
"Dynamic Models of Production with Multiple Operations and General Processing Times," Journal of the Operational Research Society, 48; 647-654, 1997. (M. M. Dessouky and R. C. Leachman) (PDF)
"A Heuristic-Based Procedure for the Weighted Production Cell Formation Problem," IIE Transactions, 28; 579-589, 1996. (T. Lin, M. M. Dessouky, K. R. Kumar, and S. Ng) (PDF)
"Scheduling Multi-Purpose Batch Plants with Junction Constraints," International Journal of Production Research, 34; 525-541, 1995. (Y. M. Dessouky, C. A. Roberts, M. M. Dessouky, and G. Wilson) (PDF)
"Design and Scheduling of Flexible Assembly Lines for Printed Circuit Boards," International Journal of Production Research, 33; 757-775, 1995. (M. M. Dessouky, S. Adiga and K. Park) (PDF)
"An Optimization-Based Methodology for Release Scheduling," Production and Operations Management, 3; 276-295, 1994. (M. M. Dessouky and R. C. Leachman) (PDF)
"Minimizing Production Costs for a Robotic Assembly System," Engineering Costs and Production Economics, 21; 81-92, 1991. (M. M. Dessouky and J. R. Wilson) (PDF)
"A Case Study in Parallel Unrelated Machine Scheduling: A Heuristic Approach," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 6; 23-36, 1987. (M. I. Dessouky, Y. M. Dessouky, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
(submitted for publication; names listed in order of authorship)
“A Modelling Approach to Solve the Empty Container Problem under Stochastic Demand with Double-Container Trucks,” submitted for publication (S. Yao, S. C. Minvielle, and M. Dessouky) (PDF)
(Names listed in order of authorship)
“Cost-Sharing Mechanism in Transportation,” Transportation Mobility in Smart Cities, Springer Tracts on Transportation and Traffic 21, Ioannou and A. A. Malikopoulos (eds.), Chapter 15, 2024 (T. I. Kaisar, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
“Metro Network Re-Design and Operations,” Encyclopedia in Operations Management, T. S. Choi and S. Rajendran (eds.), Chapter 4019, Elsevier, 2024 (M. Dessouky, S. Li, L. Yang, Yin Yuan, Z. Gao) (PDF)
"Dynamic Ridesharing, " Tutorials in Operations Research , R. Batta (ed), INFORMS, Springer, 2017. (F. Ordonez, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)
"Regional Transportation and Supply Chain Modeling for Large Scale Emergencies," Improving Homeland Security Decisions , A. Abbas, M. Tambe, D. von Winterfeldt (ed), Springer, 2017. (M. M. Dessouky, F. Ordóñez, Z. Shen, and H. Jia) (PDF)
"Large-scale Linear Programming and Applications," Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, C. Smith (ed), Springer, 2011. (S. J. Stoyan, M. M. Dessouky, and X. Wang) (PDF)
"Rapid Distribution of Medical Supplies," Patient Flow: Reducing Delay in Healthcare Delivery , R. Hall (ed), Springer, 2006. (M. M. Dessouky, F. Ordóñez, H. Jia, and Z. Shen) (PDF)
"Modeling Patient Flows through the Healthcare System, " Patient Flow: Reducing Delay in Healthcare Delivery , R. Hall (ed), Springer, 2006. (R. Hall, D. Belson, P. Murali, and M. M. Dessouky) (PDF)