LMR – Hierarchical Assembly

We manipulate Au particles with the AFM, using our standard protocols, and then link them by using di-thiols. Several linked patterns are shown on the left side of the figure below. The resulting “sub-assemblies” can be moved further, and placed so as to form a larger assembly, as shown on the right. In principle, arbitrary (planar) assemblies can be constructed in this way.


A. A. G. Requicha, R. Resch, N. Montoya, B. E. Koel, A. Madhukar and P. Will, “Towards hierarchical nanoassembly”IEEE/RSJ Int’l Conf. on Intelligent Robots & Systems, Kyongju, Korea, October 17-21, 1999.

R. Resch, C. Baur, A. Bugacov, B.E. Koel, P.M. Echternach, A.Madhukar, N. Montoya, A.A.G. Requicha, Peter Will, “Linking and manipulation of gold multi-nanoparticle structures using dithiols and scanning force microscopy”, J. Physical Chemistry B, Vol. 103, pp. 3647-3650, 1999. (PDF version)

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