Geometric Modeling: A First Course

Most of the text for the geometric modeling courses taught at USC is available in .pdf format by following the links in this page. I probably will never finish it, since I always find something more exciting to do. The text is copyrighted by me, but I expressly allow students in my geometric modeling courses at USC, in Anne Marsan’s courses at Notre Dame, Dinesh Manocha’s courses at UNC, Dominique Michelucci’s at EMSE in St. Etienne, Satyandra K. Gupta and Leila Floriani’s at the University of Maryland, Bill Regli’s at Drexel, Mark Henderson’s at Arizona State, Vadim Shapiro’s at the University of Wisconsin, Xiaoping Qian’s at IIT, Stefka Gueorguieva’s at the University of Bordeaux, Horea Ilies’ at the University of Connecticut, Jiancheng Liu’s at the University of the Pacific, Hugo Rodriguez Cortes’ at the Centro de Investigacion y de Estudios Avanzados, Mexico City, and Yan Wang at Georgia Tech to print it for their personal use in the courses. If you want to use it in your course elsewhere, please get in touch.

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