
  • Agate: a cycle-accuate simulator for power-gating of network-on-chip (more info)
  • Flexsim: Interconnection Network Simulation Tools
    1. For Regular network topologies
      Download FlexSim1.2 : A regular network simulator.
      Please see more information on FlexSim1.2.
      Download FlexSim1.1c : A special edition of FlexSim which supports Disha Concurrent Routing.
      Download FlexSim1.2 User Guide.
    2. For Irregular network topologies
      Download IRFlexSim0.5 : An irregular network simulator.
      Download IRFlexSim0.5 User Guide.
    3. Front-end for FlexSim and IRFlexSim
      Download front-end for FlexSim and IRFlexSim, written in Perl/tk.
      Download documentation for the front-end.
    4. IRFlexSimRC: IRFlexSim with Dynamic Reconfiguration using Double Scheme
      Download IRFlexSimRC.tar.gz
      Download documentation specific to the handling of reconfiguration. This documentation should be used with the IRFlexSim User Guide.