The Simons Emmy Noether Fellowship, Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Ontario

Emmy Noether was a brilliant scientist whose work underpins much of modern physics.

The Simons Emmy Noether Fellows Program, awarded annually and supported by the Simons Foundation, honours her legacy by supporting and encouraging early- and mid-career women and all under-represented groups in physics.

These fellowships enable visiting scientists to spend up to a year in Perimeter’s thriving, multi-disciplinary community. The scientists gain a unique opportunity to pursue their work intensively, free of teaching and administrative duties, and develop new international peer networks.

Flexibility is a key feature of the program, and one that helps to mitigate barriers faced by under-represented groups. Perimeter works with fellows to tailor their stays, which may include teaching buyouts with their home institutions, nearby accommodation, and childcare if required.

The program is having a remarkable impact, demonstrated by a number of publications, successful grant applications, public lectures, and ongoing collaborations that have been fostered and supported.

We are now accepting applications for the 2023/24 Simons Emmy Noether Fellowship Program.

For more information, or to apply online, click here.

The deadline for applications is 9 January 2023.