10/21 Chong presented a talk on Electric Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction at the October MURI monthly meeting.
10/19 Nuh Gedik and Di Xiao are elected APS Fellows. Congratulations!
09/17 Nan presented a talk on electrical switching behavior of BaTiS3 at the September MURI monthly meeting.
08/10 We had our first annual review of our MURI program at USC. The meeting was a great opportunity for the whole team and the program manager to get together in person for the first time since the kick-off and exchange the recent developments in the program!
07/15 Batyr presented a talk on experimental efforts of probing charity and Raman optical activity (ROA) in BaTiS3 at the June MURI monthly meeting.
06/17 Gwan Yeong presented a talk on Laudau model of CDW phase transitions in BaTiS3 at the June MURI monthly meeting.
05/20 Huandong presented a talk on material synthesis efforts and strain engineering of BaTiS3 at the May MURI monthly meeting.
04/15 Eric presented a talk on AFM/STM efforts on cleaved BaTiS3 crystals at the Apr. MURI monthly meeting.
01/21 Nan presented a talk on mechanical exfoliation efforts and photocurrent anisotropy in BaTiS3 at the Jan. MURI monthly meeting.
12/17 Jiaheng presented a talk on methodologies of calculating magnetic and electric DMI at the Dec. MURI monthly meeting.
10/15 Batyr presented optical spectroscopy studies regarding structural and electronic phase transitions in BaTiS3 using Pump-probe and Raman at the Oct. MURI monthly meeting.
09/17 Guodong presented his DFT and TEM efforts on resolving unique structure and optical properties of BaTiS3 at the Sep. MURI monthly meeting.
09/01 The press release about our MURI program is out. The link to the release is here.
08/20 Boyang presented an overview of BaTiS3 material at the Aug. MURI monthly meeting.