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Sep 2022, “Entangled Sensor-Networks for Dark-Matter Searches” in collaboration with high energy physicists published in PRX Quantum.


Sep 2022, Quntao Zhuang gave a talk on distributed quantum sensing at Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Systems: Advances and Applications (#DYNISQ-C22) conference at KITP, see video on youtube.


Aug, 2022, Quntao Zhuang joined Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Southern California as an Assistant Professor.


July, 2022, “Quantum computational phase transition in combinatorial problems” in collaboration with Akira Sone published in npj Quantum Inf.


June, 2022, “Demonstration of Entanglement-Enhanced Covert Sensing” in collaboration with Zheshen Zhang group published in Phys. Rev. Lett.


January 27 2022, PI Zhuang wins the National Science Foundation CAREER Award for the project “Using Entanglement to Enhance Communication and Sensing in the Presence of Noise”.


January 5 2022, “Ultimate Accuracy Limit of Quantum Pulse-Compression Ranging” in collaboration with Jeffrey Shapiro published in Phys. Rev. Lett. The paper was reported in news.


June 22 2021, “Entanglement-Assisted Communication Surpassing the Ultimate Classical Capacity” in collaboration with Zheshen Zhang’s group published in Phys. Rev. Lett.


June 14 2021, “Quantum Ranging with Gaussian Entanglement” of our group published in Phys. Rev. Lett.


June 1 2021, “Quantum-Enhanced Data Classification with a Variational Entangled Sensor Network” of our group in collaboration with Zheshen Zhang’s group published in Phys. Rev. X and featured in Physics. See also reports from UA News.


May 19 2021, “Entanglement-assisted capacity regions and protocol designs for quantum multiple-access channels” of our group published in npj Quantum Inf.


Feb 16 2021, “Entanglement formation in continuous-variable random quantum networks” of our group published in npj Quantum Inf.


Oct 28 2020, “Entanglement-Assisted Absorption Spectroscopy” of our group published in Phys. Rev. Lett.


Sep 2020, our team is now involved in two big quantum centers: Superconducting Quantum Materials and Systems Center and Center for Quantum Networks


Aug 2020, PI Zhuang is awarded the 2020 DARPA Young Faculty Award (YFA).


Aug 21 2020, second joint work with Stefano Pirandola is published in Phys. Rev. Lett


June 2 2020, recent work with Stefano Pirandola is published in Commun. Phys.


April 17 2020, Our recent work in collaboration with Zheshen Zhang’s group is published in Phys. Rev. Lett.. See News articles 1 and News articles 2.


Feb 27 2020, our paper “Distributed quantum sensing enhanced by continuous-variable error correction” is published in New J. Phys. as the one-millionth article of IOP publishing.


October 31 2019, our paper “Physical-Layer Supervised Learning Assisted by an Entangled Sensor Network” is published in Phys. Rev. X.