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EE578: Computational Electromagnetics for Engineers

This is a one-semester graduate-level introduction to computational methods for solving partial differential equations describing physical phenoma which commonly arise in the real world, including electromagnetics (Maxwell’s equations and the wave equation), electro\magnetostatics (Poisson’s equation), stress and strain in mechanical structures, and the heat equation. Analytical solutions unfortunately do NOT exist for most realistic physical structures or devices and therefore numerical discretization and modeling is required for analyzing their performance. Primarily finite difference methods, in both the time and frequency domains, will be covered, although finite element methods and integral equation-based approaches will be introduced as well. Numerous examples, primarily in electromagnetics, will be presented for solving relevant real-world problems, including radiating antennas, waveguides, and nanophotonic devices, as well as acoustic and electromagnetic scattering off of arbitrary dielectric objects.


EE202L: Linear Circuits

This is an undergraduate course intended to be an introduction to and a first course in linear circuits. From a classical perspective, EE 202L is an introduction to the physical principles that govern the behavior of analog circuits featuring resistors, capacitors, inductors, ideal operational amplifiers, and other linear components. The primary objective is to develop analytical techniques that simultaneously resolve current and voltage relationships within individual circuit elements and the interconnection relationships between arbitrary sets of elements (Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws). Techniques range from basic algebra with real or complex numbers to solutions of ordinary differential equations. From a modern perspective, EE 202L explores ways to process electrical information. Apart from amplification, this may involve the alteration of temporal or spectral content or a conversion between analog and digital domains. Electrical signal processing is vital for many communication, control, and biomedical systems. EE 202L leads to a study of electronic circuits (EE 348L) and more advanced methods of signal processing (EE 301).