Fall 2024 Research Activities

Final plans for my research activities in the fall semester won’t be finalized until late summer. However, I expect that I will be continuing with the following activities:

  • Automated dataset generation and grading. Continuing expansion of this ongoing project (see here) and supporting the use of it in my fall ISE-529 class.
  • Cloud-based analytics platform (see here). Continue work on this ongoing project with a goal of publishing a survey paper on the topic and preparing material and class examples and exercises.
  • Continuation of summer research activities.

As I have a full teaching load this coming fall semester, the teams will need to be able to work with minimal supervision. My plan is to meet with each team in person for one hour per week on campus and to name one or more “research team leads” to help me coordinate the activities of the various team members.

I will be finalizing the teams by mid-August. Please see this page on my general procedures for directed research and the process for applying.