Here are some resources and worksheets that you can use for different writing tasks that you may or may not already be familiar with. Think of them kind of like scaffolding exercises or steps on the way to a final product. If your professor already has some steps baked into the course–great! These can be useful addenda. However, if your professor isn’t requiring things like intermediate drafts, outlines, annotated bibliographies, or proposals, then these can give you a bit of structure. Feel free to bring any of these materials (barely looked at or completed) to a one-on-one session with me, I’d be happy to help you out. I’ve highlighted the resources that seem to come up the most.
Citations and References (mostly APA)
There are a million places to find this kind of information, but a lot of them are either out of date or somewhat dubious. Mine, at least, won’t be out of date (for now).
How to Cite and Reference Absolutely Anything in APA
References in APA: Journal Articles
References in APA: Online News Sources
References in APA: Reports (Industry, Government, Company, etc.)
References in APA: Chapters in Books
Citation Generators (Never Work)
APA 7th Edition General Information and Tips
AI Writing and Attribution: AI Cannot Cite *Anything*
Research Writing
Here you can find general resources for writing research papers. These materials will cover subjects like brainstorming a topic or research question, finding secondary scholarship, outlining your argument, and editing your final draft.
Problems and Academic Problems
Finding Secondary Sources Online
Introductions and Literature Reviews
Sometimes the work that you have to do after coursework–qualifying exams and your proposal/prospectus, especially–can be a bit hazy. Here are some resources on how to study for quals and how to propose your dissertation or thesis.
Brainstorming Qualifying Exam Questions
Professional Development & Professional Writing
The writing that you do in class is only part of your professional development. Here you’ll find resources for adapting your work for other occasions (some academic, some not), and information about writing tasks that you might encounter in the professional world.
Personal Statements, Research Statements, and Diversity Statements
Adapting Seminar Papers for Conferences or Publication
Quick Guide: Asking for Letters of Recommendation via Email
Academic Journals 1/x: How Things Work
Academic Journals 2/x: Choosing the Right Journal
General Writing Support
Here are some posts that contain general writing advice/support. Some of these can be supplemented by other worksheets and handouts, so consider using the keyword function at the bottom of the page to find related resources.
Editing Your Work: AXES Highlighting
Developing Sustainable Writing Habits
Best Practices for Group Writing
Artificial Intelligence Writing Rundown
I have what has been described to me as “an irresponsible amount of freedom” with this website.