Here are some resources that you can use in your classes.  Feel free to take the worksheets as-is, or to assign any of the posts as reading exercises.  If you have any questions (or requests for other materials) don’t hesitate to ask.

Also, I’m happy to provide drop-in workshops for your grad courses.  I can bring something on a general topic (literature reviews, outlining arguments, proposals, etc.) or we can come up with something more specific to your course.  I can lead or prepare peer review exercises, too.

Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT Teaching Resources: Suggestions for AI writing assignments and general principles about teaching/dealing with AI.

Artificial Intelligence Writing Rundown: Annotated examples of AI writing.

AI Writing and Attribution: AI Cannot Cite *Anything*: An explanation of AI citation practices

Handouts and Class Materials

Finding Secondary Sources Online: A worksheet to help students find secondary sources to use for research assignments.

Reading Checklist Worksheet: A worksheet to help students summarize and organize class readings (esp. useful for building annotated bibliographies or literature reviews). Also includes a reading exercise and reading strategies.

Introductions Done Three Ways: A worksheet that describes three different ways of introducing the same topic/paper.

Developing Research Questions: A worksheet to help students design research questions (includes samples).

Informational Resources

APA 7th Edition General Information and Tips: What it says on the tin.

Introductions and Literature Reviews: Samples and analysis of introductions and literature reviews (made specifically for CMGT 540 students but applicable to other classes)

How to Cite and Reference Absolutely Anything in APA: A step-by-step guide

Editing Techniques for Graduate Writing: AXES Highlighting: A sample editing exercise. Can be used in peer review as well.

Post-Coursework/PhD Resources

Prospectus Planning Questions: Framing questions for students who are beginning to outline their dissertations.

Adapting Seminar Papers for Conferences or Publication: A worksheet for students who are working towards presenting and publishing.

Academic Journals 1/x: How Things Work and Academic Journals 2/x: Choosing the Right Journal: Brief overview of academic publishing.

Personal Statements, Research Statements, and Diversity Statements: Resource for students putting together teaching/TT applications

Prospectus Structure: A template for a standard prospectus/proposal structure

Brainstorming Qualifying Exam Questions: A typology of qualifying exam questions