Citation Generators (Never Work)

It is a marvel of modern technology that so few things work well.  A marvel made more all the more impressive by how many things work especially poorly–poorly even considering that most things don’t work. Printers don’t work; television remotes don’t work; Microsoft quietly installed some AI garbage on my computer last week and suggested…Continue Reading Citation Generators (Never Work)

References in APA: Chapters in Books

Citing a chapter in a book is similar to citing an article in a journal: chapter-article, journal-book. The one major difference is that you include the editorial information with a chapter/book and omit it for the article/journal. But, just because the process is similar doesn’t mean the product is similar. Italics, capitalization, and punctuation aren’t…Continue Reading References in APA: Chapters in Books

References in APA: Books

If you’re trying to get good at citing things in APA, writing reference entries for books is a decent place to start. Because there are a lot of different kinds of books–single author, multiple authors, edited collection, translations, parts of a series, multi-volume, self-published, whatever–the general entry for a book has to be flexible enough…Continue Reading References in APA: Books

References in APA: Reports (Industry, Government, Company, etc.)

“Reports” are kind of like the classic men’s suit of the APA reference world. Don’t know what to wear? Dark blazer (single-breasted, three-buttons), slacks the same color or lighter; white button-down, no fancy collars, keep a tie handy; belt or suspenders, not both. Don’t know what to do with the thing you’re trying to cite?…Continue Reading References in APA: Reports (Industry, Government, Company, etc.)

How to Cite and Reference Absolutely Anything in APA

In the beginning was the Word. The APA came later. The world was not designed to be categorized. When a product engineer wrote the warning material that accompanies the television you just bought–the one that tells you not to plug it into a flooded electrical socket or not to put the plastic packaging over your…Continue Reading How to Cite and Reference Absolutely Anything in APA

Prospectus Structure

Here is a template for the individual sections that your dissertation prospectus should include, as well as an explanation of what each section should accomplish. Expectations for the format and length of your dissertation prospectus should be discussed with your advisor. They may also ask that you amend this structure to include other sections….Continue Reading Prospectus Structure

Personal Statements, Research Statements, and Diversity Statements

(An idiot’s guide) Me. I’m the idiot here. I emphasize this because I can’t know exactly what any individual search committee is looking for when they put out a call to hire new professors. Some of this is because different programs and different universities are looking for different things; some of this is because programs…Continue Reading Personal Statements, Research Statements, and Diversity Statements

Finding Secondary Sources Online

The internet will surely be the end of us all, but while it’s around you should get good at using it for research. If you ever have trouble finding resources for your papers (navigating results on the library website, getting too much garbage, not finding enough sources, figuring out whether a source is reliable or…Continue Reading Finding Secondary Sources Online

APA 7th Edition General Information and Tips

Professors, like many of us, are not always direct when expressing their wants. Nowhere is this more true than when a professor tells you that your paper should adhere to APA formatting/style guidelines. “My professor wants my paper to be in APA style…” If you’ve never seen a physical copy of the Publication Manual of…Continue Reading APA 7th Edition General Information and Tips