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Admission (Recruiting!)

Are you enthusiastic about leading the way in research to combat air pollution and address climate change? The Air Pollution-Climate-Equity (ACE) research group led by Dr. Jiachen Zhang is recruiting two PhD students (starting in Fall 2024) and a postdoc! Our group investigates the interactions between climate change, air quality, and society (e.g., transportation, energy, and land use policies, as well as public health and equity). We evaluate solutions aimed at tackling the consequences of climate change and air pollution, with a particular emphasis on the equity impact. If you are interested in the topics listed in the “Research” page of this website and want to make positive social impact through your research, please indicate Prof. Jiachen Zhang as a potential advisor in your application.

Please see the USC website for more information about the application process and our academic programs: To be considered for fellowships, application materials must be submitted by December 15. You are encouraged to submit your application by November 30 if possible.

Evaluation criteria:
When reviewing applications, we will consider standardized materials such as recommendation letters, transcripts for BS and MS degrees, as well as TOEFL and GRE scores (if applicable). However, I also very much value your research experience, interests, and skill sets. I encourage you to emphasize the specific research directions that intrigue you and how you are well-prepared for them in your cover letter, resume, and research statement. Specific skill sets that we are looking for include:

  • Commitment to addressing critical societal challenges related to climate change, air quality, and equity through research and outreach
  • A strong background in engineering or science, such as coursework or research experience in Environmental, Mechanical, or Chemical Engineering, Atmospheric or Earth sciences, Environmental Health, etc.
  • Proficiency in air quality and climate modeling tools such as WRF, WRF-Chem, WRF-CMAQ, AERMOD, CESM, GEOS-Chem. Alternatively, experience in travel demand and freight transport modeling or expertise in traffic data analysis utilizing tools like ArcGIS and Streetlight Analytics platforms.
  • Proficiency in data mining techniques and computer programming (e.g., Python, MySQL, Excel, and R), including hands-on experience with complex datasets and statistical analysis.

While we don’t expect you to have all these skill sets entering the PhD Program, it’s important that you have some basic knowledge of at least one area and a passion to hone your skills and become an expert through your PhD study. What truly matters is that you recognize the value of our research, and are capable of working independently, while also collaborating well with other group members. I usually have weekly check-in meetings with my students to guide research directions, tackle any issues that come up, and chat about the progress we’ve made.

Prospective students are welcome to contact Dr. Zhang before November 30. Please email using the subject line “PhD-2024-Name” or “Postdoc-2024-Name”, combine the following documents into one PDF, and attach it to your email:

  1. Curriculum Vitae (CV).
  2. A concise personal statement (less than two pages) of your research interests, experiences, skill sets, potential research ideas, and career goals.
  3. Unofficial transcript
  4. Contact information for recommenders (names, affiliations, and email addresses).

Unfortunately I may not be able to respond to all the emails due to the large number of inquires. However, I will schedule Zoom interviews with the most competitive applicants after reviewing all the emails and applications. Note that you also need to submit a formal application for admission to USC (

For MS and BS students:
If you are a BS/MS student and would like to work with me, I suggest you enroll in one of my courses (ENE527 and ENE428) or a directed research course and do very well 🙂

BS students can check out this website for fellowship opportunities – AND

External funding opportunities

While our group offers full funding, we encourage students to explore external fellowships: Securing such fellowships not only enhances your resume or CV but also provides greater flexibility in shaping your graduate studies.

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