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Our Group

Principle Investigator: Prof. Jiachen Zhang

I am a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Southern California (USC). My research group investigates the interactions of air quality, climate, and society, quantifying the climate, air quality, health, and equity impacts of engineering and policy solutions. Check out the “Research” tab on this website to learn more about our work!

Prior to joining USC, I was the manager of the Mobile Source Technology Assessment and Modeling Section at the California Air Resources Board. I led a team of scientists and engineers to conduct original research projects, develop emissions inventory, and inform first-of-its-kind regulations aimed at promoting electric vehicles and reducing air pollutant emissions. I earned my Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from USC and my B.S. in Atmospheric Sciences from Peking University.

I currently serve on the Board of Directors at the Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California (CESASC) and chairs its Entrepreneurship and Innovation Committee. I am also a secretary of the Air & Waste Management Association West Coast Section. I was named by the All America Chinese Youth Federation (AACYF) to the 2022 “Top 30 Under 30,” an annual award for Asian American young aspiring leaders.

I am recruiting motivated PhD students and Postdocs to my research group!

If you are excited about high-impact research on the nexus of air quality, climate, and society, and if you share our passion of informing equitable policies to combat climate change, air pollution, and associated health risk, please check out the admission tab on this website. Our group cherishes innovation, collaboration, integrity, excellence, continuous learning and growth, social impact, alongside diversity and inclusion. We invite individuals who resonate with our values to join us in the endeavor of enlightening decision-making through rigorous research and science.

Contact Information

Dr. Jiachen Zhang

Kaprielian Hall, 3620 South Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90089

Group Photos 🙂

Group photos taken in 2024 Spring 🙂 Congrats to Junghwan for graduating from USC!

From Left to Right: Venezia Ramirez, Xinyi Zhang, Junghwan Hwang, Yucheng He (collaborator), Jiachen Zhang, Sahar Fazel

From Left to Right: Venezia Ramirez, Jiachen Zhang, Yucheng He (collaborator), Sahar Fazel, Xinyi Zhang, Junghwan Hwang

Group Members

Incoming Ph.D. students (Fall 2024):

  1. Hao Hu, USC, Ph.D. student in Environmental Engineering
  2. Sahar Fazelvalipour, USC, Ph.D. student in Environmental Engineering
  3. Diego Ramos Aguilera, USC, Ph.D. student in Environmental Engineering (co-advised with Dr. Kelly Sanders)

Master’s Students

  1. Junghwan Hwang, USC, M.S. in Environmental Engineering
  2. Xinyi Zhang, USC, M.S. in Data Science
  3. Adel Alazemi, USC, M.S. in Environmental Engineering
  4. Yan Lu, Duke University, M.S. in Environmental Science
  5. Christopher Oluwasesan Bamidele (Fall 2024), M.S. in Environmental Engineering
  6. Venezia Ramirez (Fall 2024), M.S. in Green Technologies

Introductions of our all-star group!


Postdoctoral Researcher 

Hometown: Tehran, Iran 

Soroush comes from Tehran, Iran, where he finished his undergraduate program in mining engineering and Master’s program in environmental engineering. Then he moved to the U.S. and attended the University of Georgia to start a PhD in Engineering. Before joining USC, he also was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Riverside. Besides research, Soroush enjoys tennis, swimming, and movies. 

Research Interests: 

Soroush uses regional and global chemical transport models to investigate the impacts of particulate matter emissions on air quality, aerosols optical properties, and the earth’s radiative balance. He also employs remote sensing data to validate or constrain model outputs. 

Awards and Honors: 

  • Excellence in graduate research award, College of Engineering, University of Georgia – 2020 


  • Ph.D. in Engineering – University of Georgia (2021) 
  • M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering – University of Tehran (2016) 
  • B.Sc. in Mining Engineering – Azad University, South Tehran (2012) 

PhD students 

Diego Ramos Aguilera 

Ph.D. Student 

Hometown: Madrid, Spain 

Diego was born and raised in Madrid. In 2015 he moved to London (UK) to pursue an undergraduate degree in Mechanical and Energy Engineering, during the course of which he undertook a one-year internship at Robert Bosch UK. Diego then went on to obtain a Master’s degree in Environment and Development from King’s College London. He has been pursuing a PhD in Environmental Engineering at USC since 2021. Diego is an avid reader and enjoys playing soccer, spending time in nature and traveling. 

Research Interests: 

Diego believes there is a need for adopting an interdisciplinary approach to engineering questions. He is interested in research at the nexus of climate change, energy, and vulnerability, particularly in the Global South. 

Awards and Honors: 

  • King’s College London Best Thesis Award – 2020. 
  • Crown Cork and Seal Prize – 2019. 
  • Brunel Academic Excellence Scholarship – 2015. 
  • Highest Mark in the World for CIE AS Level Spanish Literature – 2015. 
  • Highest Mark in Spain for CIE AS Level Mathematics – 2014. 


  • Bachelor of Engineering (BEng) in Mechanical and Energy Engineering – Brunel University London (2015-2019). 
  • Master of Science (MSc) in Environment and Development – King’s College London (2019-2020). 


Hao Hu 

Ph.D. Student 


Hometown: Henan, China 

Hao Hu was raised in Henan, China, before commencing his academic journey at Tsinghua University, where he earned a bachelor’s degree in Nuclear Engineering and Physics with a double major in Economics (2022). Following his graduation, he joined an engineering firm as an R&D Engineer. Concurrently, he served as a part-time Research Assistant at both Tsinghua University and Cardiff University during his free time. Hao Hu will start pursuing a PhD in Environmental Engineering in Fall 2024. Beyond his academic pursuits, Hao enjoys playing basketball, engaging in photography, and swimming. 

Research Interests: 

Hao has a great interest in assessing the impacts of climate change from an interdisciplinary standpoint and developing adaptive strategies. He is obsessed by current energy consumption issues as well. 

Awards and Honors: 

  • Friends of Tsinghua Xi tai Scholarship – 2021 
  • He Dong Chang Scholarship of Tsinghua University – 2020 
  • Friends of Tsinghua Tellhow Scholarship – 2020 
  • Tsinghua University Comprehensive Excellence Award – 2019 


  • Bachelor of Engineering in Nuclear Engineering and Physics – Tsinghua University (2018-2022) 
  • Bachelor of Economics in Economics (Second major) – Tsinghua University (2018-2022) 

Sahar Fazelvalipour 

Ph.D. Student  


Hometown: Mashhad, Iran 

Sahar was born and raised in Mashhad, Iran. After obtaining a bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering, she moved to the United States to pursue a master’s in landscape architecture at Cal Poly Pomona University. Her research focuses on utilizing GeoDesign responses to mitigate climate change impacts in disadvantaged communities and bridging landscapes from human to regional scales using big data. Sahar also worked as a landscape associate at the California Department of Transportation and as a graduate research and teaching assistant. Simultaneously, she taught at UC Davis and Cal Poly Pomona University. 

Research Interests: 

Sahar’s research uses GeoDesign responses to mitigate climate change impacts in disadvantaged communities, urban heat mitigation, and big data analysis. She also assesses policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and their effects on air quality and equity, leveraging advanced modeling techniques to study the transport and impacts of atmospheric pollutants. 

Awards and Honors 

  • The Fortier Excellence in Education Scholarship (FEES)- 2021 
  • Street Tree Seminar Scholarship- 2021 
  • ASLA Scholarship- 2022 
  • LCI Congress Scholarship- 2022 & 2023 
  • EDAW Scholarship- 2022 


  • Master of Landscape Architecture (MLA) – Cal Poly Pomona University, USA 
  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Architectural Engineering, Azad University 

Junghwan Hwang 

Master’s Student 

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea 

Junghwan was raised in Seoul. Before pursuing his degree, he worked as an industry researcher at the Korea Development Bank. Additionally, he had experience working as a corporate finance manager, supporting policy funds for environmentally friendly companies. In 2024, he successfully completed a master’s degree at USC. Junghwan enjoys hiking, camping, and loves spending time in nature parks. 

Research Interests: 

He is interested in assessing air pollutants emitted from various industries, particularly PM2.5 and CO2. Also, he is concerned with providing engineering solutions related to ESG and climate change resilience. 


  • Master of Science in Environmental Engineering – University of Southern California (2024) 
  • Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering – Hanyang University (2015) 

Xinyi Zhang 

Master’s Student 

Hometown: Anhui, China 

Xinyi was born and raised in Hefei, a city in Anhui Province, in the middle part of China. (Welcome to the Yellow Mountain where the picture was taken!) She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science from Nankai University in 2022 and pursued further studies in data science at USC. During her time at USC, she worked part-time as a sustainability data analyst at the Office of Sustainability. Her interdisciplinary background has fueled her passion for balancing human social activities with the natural environment, with a particular focus on climate-related issues. In her spare time, Xinyi enjoys traveling, watching movies, and playing badminton. 

Research Interests: 

Xinyi is interested in using quantitative methods to understand the relationships between human activities and emissions and applying these insights to promote sustainable development. 


  • Master of Science in Data Science – University of Southern California (2024) 
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science – Nankai University (2022) 

Adel Alazemi 

Master’s student 

Hometown: Kuwait 


Adel was born and raised in Kuwait. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from the Missouri University of Science & Technology in Rolla, Missouri. During his time in Missouri, Adel developed a keen interest in air pollution and environmental law. After graduation, he gained experience in contract management, which further solidified his decision to pursue a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering at USC, where he aimed to conduct research. Adel enjoys doing outdoor activities such as camping and climbing 

Research Interests: 

Adel is interested in the intersection of air pollution, climate, health, and environmental policy. He is currently assessing non-exhaust emissions from heavy-duty vehicles, comparing zero-emission trucks to conventional trucks. 


  • Master of Science in Environmental Engineering – University of Southern California (Fall 2023 – Spring 2025) 
  • Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering – Missouri University of Science & Technology (Fall 2018 – Spring 2022) 

Yan Lu 

Master‘s student 


Hometown: Yunnan, China 

Yan was born in Kunming City, and raised in both China and Thailand. Yan earned her Bachelor of Science in Ecology at the Minzu University of China, she also got the Environmental Law Certificate at Vermont Law School (US), and during her senior year, she undertook a one-year internship at an Environmental Protection NGO. Yan then went on to pursue a degree in Environmental Engineering from Pratt Engineering School at Duke University and worked as a GIS analyst for the Interdisciplinary Research Lab. Yan is a dog lover and enjoys hip-hop/K-pop dancing, spending time exploring and trying new things, her most recent attempt was knitting! 

Research Interests: 

Yan cares about global environmental change and energy issues, and is interested in their impacts on human society. She loves using an interdisciplinary mindset, like a view from Law or Ecology combined with handy data-driven methods to explore insights and practical solutions. 

Awards and Honors: 

· Environmental Engineering Graduate Scholarship at Duke University – 2022 
· MUC Specialty Scholarship for undergraduates in the academic year of 2020-21 (top 10%) – 2021 
· Title of Holistically Developed Student, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, MUC in the academic year of 2020-21 (top 10%) -2021 


· Bachelor of Science (BS.) in Ecology – Minzu University of China (2018-2022). 

· Certificate in Environmental Law – Vermont Law School (2021-2022). 

· Master of Engineering (MEng) in Environment Engineering – Duke University (2022-2024). 

In Memoriam: “Renaissance Man” George Ban-Weiss

My PhD advisor, Dr. George Ban-Weiss, has been an incredible mentor not only throughout my academic journey but also in my personal life. His guidance, support, and encouragement have been invaluable in helping me navigate through the challenges and have shaped me into the person I am today, and I want to pass on his inspirations to fellow trojans.

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