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Welcome! We are passionate about understanding interactions between the quantum degrees of freedom in solid-state systems such as electron spins, photons, and magnons. We investigate their couplings, propagations, and non-equilibrium dynamics, and explore new device concepts for spin-based quantum information processing. our experimental toolkits include ultrafast optical microscopy, Sagnac interferometry, microwave and precision measurements, as well as time-resolved X-ray and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy at external facilities.

We are looking for aspiring graduate and undergraduate students, along with postdoctoral scholars with physics, materials science, electrical engineering, and physical chemistry backgrounds to join our quantum research ‘expedition’. To learn more about us including internal and external fellowship opportunities, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

The theme image shows a hybrid quantum device made of a single atomic layer of MoS2 interfaced with a single atomic layer of graphene. Under circularly polarized light, photons couple to electron spins and valleys in MoS2 to generate spin-polarized current that transports in graphene — an example of quantum transduction between photonic, valleytronic, and spintronic degrees of freedom based on a van der Waals hybrid system. DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b01393

Lab News

Oct 4th: Undergraduate students Kyle Li and Mowen Zhao have won the Student Opportunities for Academic Research (SOAR) award for Fall 2024!