Cheryl Hergert
About Me:
I’m in the Regulatory Science Doctoral program within the School of Pharmacy. I grew up in a white middle class California neighborhood and married into a Latino family. My husband and I had little understanding of how to integrate our two worlds and I soon found myself on the verge of homelessness with four tiny children. I am now a successful career woman who has learned, through many diversity workshops, that education, awareness and the color of my skin all play a role in my success. As for my children, they identify as Latino without the outward appearance of a person of color. This has allowed for opportunities of growth for all of us. Through my journey I’ve led several global initiatives including institutionalizing annual recognition of World Health Day within a local education system, and overseeing the celebration of International Women’s Day on a global scale. Coming back to school at this later stage of my life brings more opportunities for growth and awareness. I hope to use my life’s lessons to impact the culture of USC, my colleagues and myself in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Program: Regulatory Science Doctoral Candidate
Pronouns: She|Her|Hers