
Upward Bound Math Science provides various services to participants to promote the success of our students. Services that we offer are academic advising, Saturday Academy, six week summer program/ bridge program, field trips, and much more.

Academic Advising

Program participants are able to take advantage of individual and group academic advising. Advising sessions are available at the school sites that students attend. Students will get information on A-G requirements, goal setting, college applications, FAFSA, SAT and ACT preparation.

Saturday Academy

Students attend Saturday Academy on USC’s campus from 9am to 3pm. Saturday Academy focuses on providing participants with STEM-based seminars featuring science and math presentations, field/lab experiments, research projects, and hands on learning experiences provided by USC faculty, graduate students, mathematicians and scientists.

Summer Program

Students are given the opportunity to attend a six week summer residential program. Students are given real college experience by allowing them to live in the dorms, take enrichment classes and courses for college credit at the USC’s University Park campus. During the Summer Program, students are also invited to participate in field trips and events.

Field Trips/ Cultural Events

Throughout the academic year and summer, students are invited to attend social and cultural activities. UBMS plans to expose students to


  • Develop and improve academic skills
  • Successfully graduate from high school and enroll in post-secondary education
  • Explore and develop career choices
  • Be motivated to reach their educational goals
**All services are provided at no charge to participants or their families.​