John Armistead’s first three words were “mom,” “dad,” and “touchdown.” Sports have been a part of the USC Iovine and Young graduate student’s world for as long as he can remember. Currently pursuing a Master’s in Integrated Design, Business and Technology, Armistead is realizing his academic ambitions while also living out an athletic one – playing on USC’s football team. Throughout his esteemed collegiate career, he’s witnessed the highs and lows of being a student athlete, including the toll the pressure-packed position takes on mental health. Now at IYA, he’s using his newly-sharpened tech and design skills to improve the lives – and minds – of athletes.

A forever fan of USC, Armistead dreamed of playing on the school’s team someday. After high school injuries derailed his football plans, he committed to the lacrosse team at the University of Richmond as an undergrad. Majoring in computer science and physics, Armistead went through a rigorous balance of studying and training. Throughout the tumultuous journey (which he says he would do again “in a heartbeat”), Armistead kept his eye on the lacrosse ball as well as his commitment to academic success. When COVID granted him an extra year of athletic eligibility, he knew it was the time to play football competitively while attending a master’s program that honored his passions. IYA was the perfect place to take the next step in his career. Being an official Trojan was the opportunity of a lifetime.

Read the full story at USC Iovine Young Academy.