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Preparation of Nanostructured Metals by Accumulative Roll Bonding-200600492, March 1, 2006 (Spain)


M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, Phase Diagrams of Binary Actinide Alloys, ASM International, Materials Park, OH, 1995, pp. 1-489.

M.E. Kassner and M.-T. Perez-Prado, Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys, Elsevier, 2004, pp. 1-279. (second printing 2006)

M.E. Kassner, Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys, Elsevier, Second Edition 2009, pp. 1-295.

M.E. Kassner, Fundamentals of Creep in Metals and Alloys, Elsevier, Third Edition 2015, pp. 1-338.

J. McQueen, S. Spigarelli, M.E. Kassner, E. Evangelista, Hot Deformation and Processing of Aluminum Alloys. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, 2011, pp. 1-728.

Edited Volumes

M.E. Kassner and T.G. Langdon, eds, Grain Boundary and Interface Phenomena in High Temperature Plasticity of Solids, Elsevier, 1993, pp. 1-246.


O.D. Sherby, A.K. Miller, and M.E. Kassner, “Subgrain Strengthening Revisited,” Metals Forum, 4, pp. 53-56, 1981.

M.E. Kassner, “Failure Control Mechanisms in the Indium-4140 Steel Solid and Liquid Metal Induced Embrittlement System,” Res Mechanica Lett., 1, pp. 463-469, 1981.

M.E. Kassner, “Additional Data and Insight Bearing on the Relation Between Dislocation Substructure and Power Law Breakdown,” Scripta Metall., 16, pp. 265-266, 1982.

M.E. Kassner, A.K. Miller, and O.D. Sherby, “The Separate Roles of Forest Disloca­tions and Subgrains in the Isotropic Hardening of Type 304 Stainless Steel,” Metall. Trans., 13A, pp. 1977-1986, 1982.

M.E. Kassner, “Alterations in the Microstructure of 304 Stainless Steel Produced by Small Strain Deformation at Ambient Temperature,” Res Mechanica, 7, pp. 79-84, 1983.

M.E. Kassner, “Deformation in Punched Specimens of Type 304 Stainless Steel,” Scripta Metall., 17, pp. 425-426, 1983.

M.E. Kassner, “A Simple Constitutive Equation to Predict the Low Temperature Yield Strength of Type 21-6-9 Stainless Steel,” J. of Eng. Mater. and Tech., 105H, pp. 231-233, 1983.

M.E. Kassner and A.K. Mukherjee, “Rate-Dependent Plastic Flow in Polycrystalline Silver at Ambient Temperature,” Scripta Metall., 17, pp. 741-744, 1983.

M.E. Kassner, “Power-Law Breakdown and the Dislocation Microstructure in Type 304 Stainless Steel,” Materials Lett., 5B, pp. 451-454, 1984.

M.E. Kassner, A.A. Ziaai-Moayyed, and A.K. Miller, “Some Trends Observed in the Elevated Temperature Kinematic and Isotropic Hardening of Type 304 Stainless Steel,” Metall. Trans., 16A, pp. 1069-1076, 1985.

M.E. Kassner, “Power-Law Breakdown and the Variation of the Strain-Rate Sensitivity of Annealed Nickel over a Wide Range of Temperature,” Res Mechanica, 18, pp. 179-188, 1986.

M.E. Kassner and C.J. Echer, “Mechanical Damage Introduced into Annealed Aluminum Monocrystals by Conventional TEM Thin-Foil Preparation Techniques,” Metallogr., 19, pp. 127-132, 1986.

M.E. Kassner, J.W. Elmer, and C.J. Echer, “Changes in the Subboundary Mesh Size with Creep Strain in 304 Stainless Steel,” Metall. Trans., 17A, pp. 2093-2097, 1986.

M.E. Kassner and M.E. McMahon, “The Dislocation Microstructure of Aluminum Deformed to Very Large Steady-State Creep Strains,” Metall. Trans., 18A, pp. 835-846, 1987.

M.E. Kassner, A.W. Sleeswyk, and C.J. Echer, “Cyclic X-Y Mechanical Tests:  A New Method to Perform In-Situ Reversed-Deformation Experiments in the High Voltage Electron Microscope,” J. Elect. Microscop. Tech., 5, pp. 189-198, 1987.

D.E. Peterson and M.E. Kassner, “The Pu-Ga (Plutonium-Gallium) System,” Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 9, pp. 261-267, 1988; update in Phase Diagrams of Binary Actinide Alloys, M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, eds., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, pp. 317-323, 1995; also summaries in Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, T.B. Massalski, ed., ASM, Metals Park, OH, pp. 1155-1157, 1986; in Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, T.B. Massalski, ed., ASM International, Metals Park, OH, Vol. 2, pp. 1843-1845, 1990; in Alloy Phase Diagrams, ASM Handbook Vol. 3, Metals Park, OH, p. 2-213, 1992; and in Desk Handbook:  Phase Diagrams for Binary Alloys, H. Okamoto, ed., ASM, Materials Park, p. 390, 2000.

M.E. Kassner and J.J. Oldani, “Large-Strain Steady-State Deformation of Silver at Ambient and Near Ambient Temperature,” Scripta Metall., 22, pp. 41-46, 1988.

J.W. Elmer, M.E. Kassner, and R.S. Rosen, “The Behavior of Silver-Aided Diffusion-Welded Joints under Tensile and Torsional Loads,” Welding J., 67, pp. 157-162s, 1988.

M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, “The Al-Np (Aluminum-Neptunium) System,” Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 10, pp. 111-112, 1989; summary in Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, T.B. Massalski, ed., ASM International, Metals Park, OH, Vol. 1, p. 184, 1990; and update in Phase Diagrams of Binary Actinide Alloys, M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, eds., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, pp. 248-249, 1995.

M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, “The Al-Am (Aluminum-Americium) System,” Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 10, p. 277, 1989; update in Phase Diagrams of Binary Actinide Alloys, M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, eds., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, p. 424, 1995; also summary in Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, T.B. Massalski, ed., ASM International, Metals Park, OH, Vol. 1, p. 120, 1990.

M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, “The Al-Pu (Aluminum-Plutonium) System,” Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 10, pp. 459-465, 1989; update in Phase Diagrams of Binary Actinide Alloys, M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, eds., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, pp. 282-288, 1995;  also summary in Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, T.B. Massalski, ed., ASM International, Metals Park, OH, Vol. 1, pp. 197-200, 1990; and in Desk Handbook:  Phase Diagrams for Binary Alloys, H. Okamoto, ed., ASM, Materials Park, p. 41, 2000.

M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, “The Al-Th (Aluminum-Thorium) System,” Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 10, pp. 466-470, 1989; update in Phase Diagrams of Binary Actinide Alloys, M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, eds., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, p. 12-16, 1995; also summaries in Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, T.B. Massalski, ed., ASM International, Metals Park, OH, Vol. 1, pp. 223-225, 1990; in Alloy Phase Diagrams, ASM Handbook Vol. 3, Metals Park, OH, p. 2-53, 1992; in Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys, J.R. Davis, ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, p. 556, 1993; and in Desk Handbook:  Phase Diagrams for Binary Alloys, H. Okamoto, ed., ASM, Materials Park, p. 46, 2000.

M.E. Kassner, H.J. McQueen, and M.M. Myshlyaev, “Large-Strain Torsional Deformation of Aluminum at Elevated Temperature,” Materials Science and Engineering, 108A, pp. 45-61, 1989.

M.E. Kassner, “Large-Strain Deformation of Aluminum Single Crystals at Elevated Temperature:  A Critical Test for Geometric-Dynamic-Recrystallization,” Metall. Trans., 20A, pp. 2182-2185, 1989.

M.E. Kassner, P.H. Adler, M.G. Adamson, and D.E. Peterson, “Evaluation and Thermodynam­ic Analysis of Phase Equilibria in the U-Al System,” J. Nuc. Mater., 167, pp. 160-168, 1989.

M.E. Kassner, D.E. Peterson, M.G. Adamson, and P.H. Adler, “The Al-U (Aluminum-Uranium) System,” Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 11, pp. 82-89, 1990; also in  Phase Diagrams of Binary Actinide Alloys, M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, eds., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, pp. 136-142, 1995; also summaries in Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, T.B. Massalski, ed., ASM International, Metals Park, OH, Vol. 1, pp. 230-232, 1990; in Alloy Phase Diagrams, ASM Handbook Vol. 3, Metals Park, OH, p. 2-54, 1992; in Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys, J.R. Davis, ed., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, p. 557, 1993; and in Desk Handbook:  Phase Diagrams for Binary Alloys, H. Okamoto, ed., ASM, Materials Park, p. 46, 2000.

R.S. Rosen and M.E. Kassner, “Diffusion Welding of Silver Interlayers Coated onto Base Metals by Planar-Magnetron Sputtering,” J. of Vac. Sci. and Tech., 8, pp. 19-29, 1990.

M.E. Kassner, R.S. Rosen, G.A. Henshall, and K.D. Challenger, “Time-Dependent Failure of Silver-Interlayer Diffusion Welds Between Elastically-Deforming Base Metals,” Scripta Met. et Mater., 24, pp. 587-592, 1990.

M.E. Kassner, “A Case for Taylor Hardening During Primary and Steady-State Creep in Aluminum and Type 304 Stainless Steel,” Jour. of Mater. Science, 25, pp. 1997-2003, 1990.

G.A. Henshall, R.S. Rosen, M.E. Kassner, and R.G. Whirley, “The Stress-State and Mechanical Analysis of Interlayer Welds Between Elastic and Plastic Base Materials Based on Finite-Element Analysis,” Welding Jour., 69, pp. 337s-345s, 1990.

M.E. Kassner, R.S. Rosen, and G.A. Henshall, “Delayed-Mechanical Failure of Silver Interlayer Diffusion Bonds,” Metall. Trans., 21A, pp. 3085-3100, 1990.

M.E. Kassner, N.Q. Nguyen, G.A. Henshall, and H.J. McQueen, “The Effects of Temperature and Strain-Rate on the Extended Ductility of Aluminum,” Mater. Sci. and Eng., A132, pp. 97-105, 1991.

H.J. McQueen, E. Evangelista, and M.E. Kassner, “The Classification and Determina­tion of Restorative Mechanisms in the Hot Working of Al-Alloys,” Z. Metall. 82, pp. 336-345, 1991.

M.E. Kassner, M.A. Wall, and A.W. Sleeswyk, “Some Observations During In-Situ Reverse Deformation Experiments of Aluminum Single Crystals Using the X-Y Method,” Scripta Met. et Mater. 25, pp. 1701-1706, 1991.

M.E. Kassner and X. Li, “The Effect of Grain-Size on the Elevated Temperature Yield Strength of Polycrystalline Aluminum,” Scripta Met. et Mater. 25, pp. 2833-2838, 1991.

G.A. Henshall, M.E. Kassner, and H.J. McQueen, “Dynamic Restoration Mechanisms in Al-5.8 at % Mg Deformed to Large Strains in the Solute Drag Regime,” Metall. Trans. 23A, pp. 881-889, 1992.

R.S. Rosen, M.E. Kassner, and K.E. Thiehsen, “The Mechanical Behavior of U-6Nb Alloy, AISI 1045 and 1215 Steels at High Strain-Rates,” J. Mater. Sci. Lett. 11, pp. 125-128, 1992.

M.C. Tolle and M.E. Kassner, “Tensile Properties of Thin Au-Ni Brazes between Strong Base Metals,” Scripta Met. et Mater., 26, 1992, pp. 1281-1284.

Kansal and M.E. Kassner, “Microstructural Banding in Thermally Processed Ti 6%Al-2%Sn-4%Zn-2%Mo-0.1%Si Alloy,” Jour. of Mater. Eng. and Perf. 1, 1992, pp. 393-398.

G.A. Henshall, M.E. Kassner, and H.J. McQueen, “Comments on Dynamic Recrystal­li­za­tion During Hot Compression in Al-Mg Alloy,” Scripta Met. et Mater. 28, 1993, pp. 151-156.

H.J. McQueen, W. Blum, S. Straub, and M.E. Kassner, “Dynamic Grain Growth:  A Restoration Mechanism in 99.999 Al,” Scripta Metall. et Mater. 28, 1993, pp. 1299-1303.

K.E. Thiehsen, M.E. Kassner, J. Pollard, D.R. Hiatt, and B. Bristow, “The Effect of Nickel,  Chromium and Primary Alpha on the Creep Behavior of Ti 6242 Si,” Metall. Trans. 24A, 1993, pp. 1819-1826.

M.E. Kassner, M.C. Tolle, G.A. Henshall, R.S. Rosen, and J.W. Elmer, “On the Nucleation and Growth of Cavities in Constrained Silver Interlayers,” Metall. Trans. 24A, 1993, pp. 1877-1878.

M.E. Kassner, “The Role of Small Angle (Subgrain Boundary) and Large Angle (Grain Boundary) Interfaces on 5- and 3-Power Law Creep,” Mater. Sci. and Eng. 166, 1993, pp. 81-88.

T.G. Langdon, T. Watanabe, J. Wadsworth, M. Mayo, S. Nutt, and M.E. Kassner, “Recom­mendations on Grain Boundaries and Interface Phenomena in High Temperature Plasticity of Solids,” Mater. Sci. and Eng. 166, 1993, pp. 237-241.

M.E. Kassner, X. Li, and H.J. McQueen, “The Effect of Homogenization and Precipitation Treatments on the Extrudability and Ambient-Temperature Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloy AA2024,” Mater. Sci. and Eng. A169, 1993, pp. 9-17.

Nuzzo, C. Duke, K. Chaffee, M. Kassner, and R. Pitts, “The Impact of Surface Processing on the Fabrication and Performance of Thin-Film, Multilayer Solar Collectors,” Critical Rev. in Surface Chemistry 3, 1993, pp. 67-80.

R.S. Rosen, D.G. Stearns, M.E. Kassner, J. Koike, Y. Cheng, and S.P. Vernon, “Kinetics of Interlayer Growth and Changes in Residual Elastic Strain During Annealing of Mo/Si Multilayers,” Nano. Mater. 3, 1993, pp. 195-202.

R.S. Rosen, D.G. Stearns, M.A. Viliardos, M.E. Kassner, S.P. Vernon, and Y. Cheng, “Silicide Layer Growth Rates in Mo/Si Multilayers,” Appl. Optics 32, 1993, pp. 6975-6980.

M.E. Kassner, H.J. McQueen, and E. Evangelista, “Geometric Dynamic Recrystalli­zation in Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Above 0.6Tm,” Mater. Sci. Forum, 1993, 113-115, pp. 151-156.

M.C. Tolle and M.E. Kassner, “Ductile Fracture in Pure Silver under High Triaxial Stresses,” Scripta Metall. et Mater. 31, 1994, pp. 531-536.

M.E. Kassner, H.J. McQueen, J. Pollard, E. Evangelista, and E. Cerri, “Restoration Mechanisms in Large-Strain Deformation of High Purity Aluminum at Ambient Tempera­ture,” Scripta Metall. et Mater. 31, 1994, pp. 1331-1336.

M.E. Kassner, J. Pollard, E. Evangelista, and E. Cerri, “Restoration Mechanisms in Large-Strain Deformation of High Purity Aluminum at Ambient-Temperature, and the Determination of the Existence of a Steady State,” Acta Metall. Mater. 42, 1994, pp. 3223-3230.

M.A. Delos-Reyes and M.E. Kassner, “Reproducibility of Small-Strain Creep Tests of Ti 6242,” J. Mater. Eng. and Perf. 3, 1994, pp. 722-725.

M.E. Kassner, “The Pu-Nb (Plutonium-Niobium) System,” J. of Phase Equilibria 15, 1994, pp. 558-560; update in Phase Diagrams of Binary Actinide Alloys, M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, eds., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, pp. 348-350, 1995; summary in Desk Handbook:  Phase Diagrams for Binary Alloys, H. Okamoto, ed., ASM, Materials Park, p. 599, 2000.

M.E. Kassner, “The Nb-Th (Niobium-Thorium) System,” J. Phase Equilibria 15, 1994, pp. 561-563; update in Phase Diagrams of Binary Actinide Alloys, M.E. Kassner and D.E. Peterson, eds., ASM International, Materials Park, OH, pp. 76-77, 1995; summary in Desk Handbook:  Phase Diagrams for Binary Alloys, H. Okamoto, ed., ASM, Materials Park, p. 604, 2000.

M.C. Tolle and M.E. Kassner, “Mechanisms of Ductile Fracture in Pure Silver under High-Triaxial Stress States,” Acta Metall. et Mater. 43, 1995, pp. 287-297.

M.C. Tolle, M.E. Kassner, E. Cerri, and R.S. Rosen, “Mechanical Behavior and Microstructure of Au-Ni Brazes,” Metall. and Mater. Trans., 26A, 1995, pp. 941-948.

H.J. McQueen, E. Evangelista, N. Jin, and M.E. Kassner, “Dynamic Recovery in Aluminum Responsible for Energy Dissipation Efficiency in Dynamic Materials Analysis,” Metall. and Mater. Trans., 26A, 1995, pp. 1757-1766.

S.C. Bergsma, M.E. Kassner, and X. Li, “The Effects of Thermal Processing and Cu Additions to the Mechanical Properties of AA2618 Aluminum Alloy Ingot,” J. Eng. Mater. and Perf., 5, 1996, pp. 100-102.

S.C. Bergsma, M.E. Kassner, X. Li, M.A. Delos-Reyes, and T.A. Hayes, “The Optimized Properties of the New Aluminum Alloy AA6069,” J. Eng. Mater. and Perf., 5, 1996, pp. 111-116.

M.E. Kassner, F. Weber, J. Koike, and R.S. Rosen, “Structural and Residual Stress Changes in  Mo/‑Si Multi-Layer Thin-Films with Annealing,” J. Mater. Sci., 31, 1996, pp. 2291-2299.

S.C. Bergsma and M.E. Kassner, “The New Aluminum Alloy 6069,” Mater. Sci. Forum, 217-222, 1996, pp. 1801-1806.

Roehnelt, M.E. Kassner, T.C. Kennedy, and R.S. Rosen, “Elastic Incompatibility Stresses Across Planar and Nonplanar Grain Boundaries Applied to Ductile Fracture Criteria under High Triaxial Stress,” Scripta Materialia, 36, 1997, pp. 605-610.

M.E. Kassner, M.A. Wall, and M.A. Delos-Reyes, “Microstructure and Mechanisms of Cyclic Deformation of Aluminum Single Crystals at 77 K,” Metall. and Mater. Trans., 28A, 1997, pp. 595-609.

T.A. Hayes, M.E. Kassner, D. Amick, and R.S. Rosen, “The Thermal Stability of Surface Deformed Zirconium,” J. Nucl. Mater., 246, 1997, pp. 60-69.

M.E. Kassner, “In-situ Cyclic Deformation of Al Single Crystals in the HVEM and the Concept of Internal Backstress,” Mater. Sci. Eng., A234-236, 1997, pp. 110-114.

S.C. Bergsma and M.E. Kassner, “Comparison of Unextruded Air Slip Direct Chill Cast 6061 Ingot with Bar Stock from Conventional Direct Chill Cast 6061 Ingot,” J. Engr. Mater. Perf., 6, 1997, pp. 469-472.

S.C. Bergsma, M.C. Tolle, M.E. Kassner, X. Li, and E. Evangelista, “Semi-Solid Transformations (SSTT) of Al-Si Alloys and the Resulting Mechanical Properties,” Mater. Sci. and Eng., A237, 1997, pp. 24-34.

R.D. Doherty, D.A. Hughes, F.J. Humphreys, J.J. Jonas, D. Juul Jensen, M.E. Kassner, W.E. King, T.R. McNelley, H.J. McQueen, and A.D. Rollett, “Current Issues in Recyrstallization,” Mater. Sci. and Eng., A238, 1997, pp. 219-274. [ISI Highly Cited]

Koike, M.E. Kassner, R. Tate, and R.S. Rosen, “Nb-U (Niobium-Uranium),” J. Phase Equil., 19, 1998, pp. 253-260.

D.A. Hughes, M.E. Kassner, M.G. Stout, and J.S. Vetrano, “Aluminum Forming at the Center of Excellence for the Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials,” J. Metals, 50, 1998, pp. 16-22.

S.C. Bergsma, M.E. Kassner, X. Li, and M.A. Wall, “Strengthening in the New Aluminum Alloy 6069,” Materials Science and Eng., A 254, 1998, pp. 112-118.

M.E. Kassner, T.C. Kennedy, and K.K. Schrems, “The Mechanism of Ductile Fracture in Constrained Thin Silver Films,” Acta Mater., 46, 1998, pp. 6445-6458.

M.E. Kassner, D.A. Hughes, T.G. Nieh, M.G. Stout, and J.S. Vetrano, “Metal Forming at the United States Department of Energy Center for Excellence for the Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials,” La Metallugia Italiana, 90, 1998, pp. 37-46.

M.E. Kassner and M.A. Wall, “Microstructure and Mechanisms of Cyclic Deformation of Aluminum Single Crystals at 77 K:  Part II Edge Dislocation Dipole Heights,” Metall. Mater. Trans., 30A, 1999, pp. 777-779.

R.S. Rosen, M.E. Kassner, and S.P. Paddon, “The Variation of the Yield Stress of Ti Alloys with Strain Rate at High Temperature,” J. Mater. Eng. and Perf., 8, 1999, pp. 361-367.

M.E. Kassner, Y. Kosaka, and J. Hall, “Low Cycle Dwell Time Fatigue in Ti 6242,” Metall. Trans., 30A, 1999, pp. 2383-2389.

M.E. Kassner and M.-T. Perez-Prado, “Five-Power-Law Creep in Single Phase Metals,” Progress. Mater. Sci., 45, 2000, pp. 1-102.

F.J. MacMaster, K.S. Chan, S.C. Bergsma, and M.E. Kassner, “Aluminum Alloy 6069 Part II:  Fracture Toughness of 6061-T6 and 6069-T6,” Mater. Sci. and Eng., 289A, 2000, pp. 54-59.

Li, M.E. Kassner, and S.C. Bergsma, “Recrystallization Behavior of Rolled Ingots of 6061 and 6069 Aluminum Alloys,” J. Engr. Mater. Perf., 9, 2000, pp. 416-423.

M.E. Kassner, M.-T. Perez-Prado, K.S. Vecchio, and M.A. Wall, “Determination of Internal Stresses in Cyclically Deformed Cu Single Crystals Using CBED and Dislocation Dipole Separation Measurements,” Acta Mater., 48, 2000, pp. 4247-4254.

K.K. Schrems, M.E. Kassner, and T.C. Kennedy, “Theoretical, Experimental and Computational Mechanics of Fracture in Constrained Interlayers,” Exper. Mech., 40, 2000, pp. 307-311.

S.C. Bergsma, X. Li, and M.E. Kassner, “Semi-Solid Thermal Transformations in Al-Si Alloys:  Part II, The Optimized Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Semi-Solid 357 and Modified 319 Aluminum Alloys,” Mater. Sci. and Eng., 297A, 2001, pp. 69-77.  Also, Metallurgical Science and Technology, 18, 2000 pp. 21-26.

M.E. Kassner, M.A. Wall, and M.A. Delos-Reyes, “Primary and Secondary Dislocation Dipole Heights in Cyclically Deformed Copper Single Crystals,” Mater. Sci. and Eng., A317, 2001, pp. 28-31.

S.C. Bergsma, M.E. Kassner, X. Li, and R.S. Rosen, “The Quench Sensitivity of Hot Extruded 6061-T6 and 6069-T6 Aluminum,” Special Issue of J. Mater. Processing Tech., 117(3), T. Chandra, K. Higashi, C. Suryanarayana, and C. Tome, eds., Elsevier Science, UK, October 2001 (no pp., Session A4) (invited).

M.E. Kassner, M.-T. Perez-Prado, and K.S. Vecchio, “Internal Stress Measurements by Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction on Creep Deformed Al Single Crystals,” Mater. Sci. and Eng., A319-321, 2001, pp. 730-734.

M.E. Kassner, M.-T. Pérez-Prado, M. Long, and K.S. Vecchio, “Dislocation Microstructures and Internal Stress Measurements by CBED on Creep Deformed Cu and Al,” Metall. and Mater. Trans., 33A, 2002, pp. 311-318.

T.A. Hayes, M.E. Kassner, and R.S. Rosen, “Steady-State Creep of a-Zirconium at Temperatures up to 850°C,” Metall. and Mater. Trans., 33A, 2002, pp. 337-344.

T.C. Kennedy, M.H. Cho, and M.E. Kassner, “Predicting Failure of Composite Structures Containing Cracks,” Composites A, 53, 2002, pp. 583-588.

M.E. Kassner, M.Z. Wang, M.-T. Perez-Prado, and S. Alhajeri, “Large-Strain Softening of Aluminum in Shear at Elevated Temperatures,” Metall. Mater. Trans., 33A, 2002, pp. 3145-3154.

M.E. Kassner and M.Z. Wang, “Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Aluminum Alloy Sheet 6022,” J. Eng. Mater. and Perf., 11, 2002, pp. 166-168.

M.E. Kassner and T.A. Hayes, “Creep Cavitation in Metals,” Int. Jour. Plasticity, 17, 2003. pp. 1715-1748.

T.C. Kennedy, T. Puttapitukporn, and M.E. Kassner, “Dynamic Effects of Cavitation Instabilities in Solids,” Acta Mechanica, 165, 2003, pp.73-85

M.E. Kassner, “Taylor Hardening in Five Power Law Creep of Metals and Class M Alloys”, Acta Mater, 52, 2004, pp.1-9

M.E. Kassner, S. Nemat-Nasser, Z. Suo, G. Bao, J.C. Barbour, L.C. Brinson, H. Espinosa, H. Gao, S. Granick, P. Gumbch, K.-S. Kim, W. Knauss, L. Kubin, J. Langer, B.C. Larson, L. Mahadevan, A. Majumdar, S. Torquato, F. van Swol. “New Directions in Mechanics”, Mechanics and Materials, 37, 2005, pp 231-259. (Science Direct Top 25 (#2) Hottest Articles in Mechanics and Materials, 2006.) Also selected by Science Direct as one of 6 articles for high quality and relevance to the field of engineering 2007.

S.R. Barrabes, M.E. Kassner, M.-T. Perez-Prado and E. Evangelista, “Geometric Dynamic in Recrystallization in a- Zirconium at Elevated Temperatures”, Recrystallization and Grain Growth, pp 267-270, 2004, Trans. Tech. B. Bacroix, J. Driver, R. LeGall. Al Maurice, R. Penelle, H. Regle and L. Tabourot. eds.. 2004. pp. 1145-1150.

M.-T. Perez-Prado, S.R. Barrabes, M.E. Kassner, and E. Evangelista, “Dynamic Restoration Mechanisms in α-Zirconium at Elevated Temperature,” Acta Mater 53, 2005, pp. 581-591.

H.J. McQueen and M.E. Kassner, “Comments on a Model of Continuous Dynamic Recrystallization,” Scripta Mater, 51, 2004, pp. 461-465.

M.E. Kassner, “Recent Developments in Understanding the Mechanism of Five Power Law Creep”, Material Science and Engineering, 410-411A, 2005, pp. 20-23.

M.E. Kassner and S. Barrabes, “New Developments in Geometric Dynamic Recrystallization”,  Materials Science and Engineering, 410-411A, 2005, pp. 152-155.

H.J. McQueen and M.E. Kassner, “Elevated Temperature Deformation: Hot Working Amplifies Creep,” Materials Science and Engineering, 410-411A, 2005, pp. 58-61.

B.K. Kad, J.-M Gebert, M.-T. Perez-Prado, M.E. Kassner, M.A. Meyers “Ultrafine Grain-sized Zirconium by Dynamic Deformation,” 54, Acta Mater, 2006, pp. 4111-4127.

T.A. Hayes and M.E. Kassner, “Creep of Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys”, Metall. and Mater Trans., 37A, 2006, pp. 2389-2396.

T.A. Hayes, M.E. Kassner and R.S. Rosen, “Creep Fracture of Zirconium Alloys,” J. Nuc. Mater, 353, 2006, pp. 109-118.

L.E. Levine, B.C. Larson, W. Yang, M.E. Kassner, J.Z. Tischler, M.A. Delos-Reyes, R.J. Fields, “X-ray Microbeam Measurements of Individual Cell Elastic Strains in Deformed Single Crystal Copper,” Nature Materials, 5, 2006, pp. 619-622.

Kumar, M.E. Kassner and T.G. Langdon, “Fifty years of Harper-Dorn creep: A Viable Creep Mechanism or a California Artifact?” Journal of Material Science, 42, 2007, pp. 409-420.

M.E. Kassner , P. Kumar and W. Blum, “Harper-Dorn Creep”, International Journal of Plasticity, 23, 2007, pp. 980-1000.

Jiang, O.A. Ruano, M.E. Kassner, M.-T. Perez-Prado, “Bulk Ultrafine grained Zr by Accumulative Rolling Bonding” Journal of Metals, 59, 2007, pp. 42-45.

Gallino, M.E. Kassner, S. Curiotto, M. Baricco, R. Busch, “Homogenizatiion of High Alloyed FCC Cu-Fe-Ni:  A Phase Diagram study,” J. Phase Equil. and Diff., 29 (2008) pp. 131-135.

Jiang, M.T. Perez-Prado, P. Gruber, E. Arzt, O.A. Ruano and M.E. Kassner, “Texture,  Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Equiaxed Ultrafine Grained Zr Fabricated by Accumulative Roll Bonding,” Acta Mater, 56, 2008, pp 1228-1247.

Cabibbo, E. Evangelista, M.E. Kassner, M.A. Meyers, W. Blum, “Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Strain Induced Low and High  Angle Boundary Development in Equal-Channel Angular-pressed Commercially Pure Aluminum,” Metall. Mater Trans., 39,2008, pp. 181-189.

M.T. Perez-Prado, A.A. Gimazov, O.A. Ruano, M.E. Kassner and A.P. Zhilyaev, “Bulk  Nanocrystalline W-Zr by High Pressure Torsion, Scripta Mater, 58, 2008, pp. 219-222.

Kumar, M.E. Kassner and T.G. Langdon “The Role of Harper-Dorn Creep at High Temperatures and Very Low Stresses,” J. Mater Sci., 43, 2008, pp.4801-4810.

L.E. Levine, B.C. Larson, J.Z. Tischler, P. Geantil, M.E. Kassner, W. Liu, and M.R. Stoudt, “Impact of Dislocation Cell Elastic Strain Variations on Line Profiles in Deformed Metals,”Zeit.Kristall, Supp. 27, 2008, pp. 55-63

M.E. Kassner, P. Geantil, L.E. Levine, B.C. Larson, “Long-range Internal Stresses in Monotonically and Cyclically Deformed Metallic Single Crystals”, Int. Jour. Mater. Resh. (formerly Zeit. Metall.), 100, 2009, pp. 333-339.

Kumar, and M.E. Kassner, “Theory for Very Low Stress (“Harper-Dorn”) Creep,” Scripta Mater, 60, 2009, pp. 60-63.

Kumar, M.E. Kassner, T.G. Langdon, W. Blum and P. Eisenlohr, “New Observations on High Temperature Creep at Very Low Stresses”, Mater. Sci. Eng., A510-511, 2009, pp. 20-24.

M.E. Kassner, P. Geantil, A.M. Hodge, R.S. Rosen, “The Assessment of Ambient-Temperature

Mechanical Properties of Ultrafine Grained Silver with Nanotwins using Microshear Tests”, Scripta Metall., 61, 2009, pp. 721-724.

P.-L. Sun, Y.H. Zhao, J.C. Cooley, M.E. Kassner, Z. Horita, T.G. Langdon, E.J. Lavernia, Y.T. Zhu, “Stacking Fault Energy Effects on Strength and Ductility of Nanostructured Alloys: An Evaluation with Minimum Solution Hardening”, Mater. Sci Eng. A525, 2009, pp. 83-86.

L.E. Levine, P. Geantil, B.C. Larson, J.Z. Tischler, M.E. Kassner, W. Liu, M.R. Stoudt, F. Tavazza, “Disordered Long-range Internal Stresses in Deformed Copper and the Mechanisms Underlying Plastic Deformation”,  Acta Mater., 59, 2011, pp. 5083-5091.

M.E. Kassner, P. Geantil and R. S. Rosen, “Ambient Temperature Creep of Type 304 Stainless Steel”, J.  Eng. Mater. Tech. (ASME Trans.), 133, 2011, article 021012, 5pp.

M.E. Kassner, P. Geantil and X. Li, “A Study of the Quench Sensitivity of 6061-T6 and 6069- T6 Aluminum Alloys”, J. of Metallurgy, 2011, article 747198, 5pp.

E. Kassner and P. Geantil, “Yield stress of 21-6-9 Stainless Steel over Very Wide Ranges of Strain-rates and Temperatures”, J. Eng. Mater. Perf., 21, 2012, pp. 69-73.

E. Levine, P. Geantil, B.C. Larson, J. Z. Tischler, M. E. Kassner, W. Liu , “Validating Classical Line Profile Analyses Using Microbeam Diffraction from Individual Dislocation Cell Walls and Cell Interiors”, J. Applied Cryst., 45, 2012, pp.157-165.

Gallino, M.E. Kassner, and R. Busch, “The Oxidation and Corrosion of Highly Alloyed Cu-Fe-Ni as Inert Anode Material for Aluminum for Electrowinning in As-cast and Homoginized      Conditions”, Corrosion Science, 63, 2012, pp. 293-303.

Zhao, T. Furnish, M.E. Kassner and A.M. Hodge, “Thermal Stability of UFG and Highly Nanotwinned Copper”, J. Mater. Resh., 27, 2012, pp. 3049-3057.

H.J. McQueen, E. Evangelista, M.E. Kassner, C.S. Lee, “Thermal and Mechanical Treatments of Al, Al-alloys and Other Lightweight Metals and Alloys”, J. Metallurgy, 2012, Article ID 294874, 2 pages, doi:10.1155/2012/294874.

M.E. Kassner, P. Geantil and L.E. Levine, “Long-range Internal Stresses in Single Phase Crystalline Materials”, Int. J. Pasticity,  45, 2013, pp. 44-60.

E. Kassner. M.-T. Perez Prado, T. A. Hayes, L. Jiang, S. R. Barrabes, I. F. Lee, “Elevated Temperature Deformation of Zr to Large Strains”, J. Mater. Sci., 45, 2013, pp. 4492-4500.

I.-F. Lee, T. Phan, L.E. Levine, J. Z. Tischler. P. Geantil, Y. Huang, T.G. Langdon and M. E. Kassner, “Using X-ray Microbeam Diffraction to Study the Long-range Internal Stresses in Aluminum Processed by ECAP”, Acta Mater, 61, 2013, pp. 7741-7748.

Zhao, I-C. Cheng, M. E. Kassner, A. Hodge, “The Effect of Nanotwins on the Corrosion Behavior of Copper”, Acta Mater, 61, 2014,  pp. 181-188.

M.E. Kassner and K. Smith, “Low Temperature Creep Plasticity ” Journal of Materials Resh. and Tech.”,  3, 2014, pp. 280-288.

Q. Phan, I-F. Lee, L. E. Levine, J.Z. Tischler, Y. Huang, A. G. Fox, T. G. Langdon, E. Kassner , “X-Ray Microbeam Measurements of Long Range Internal Stresses in Commercial Purity Aluminum Processed by Multiple Passes of Equal-channel Angular Pressing”, Scripta Mater, 93, 2014, pp. 48-51.

Zhao, M. N. Polyakov M. Mecklenburg, M. E. Kassner, A. M. Hodge, “The Role of Grain Boundary Plane Orientation in β Phase Precipitation in Al-5456”, 2014,  Scripta Mater, 89, 2014, pp. 49-52.

M.E. Kassner and K. Smith, “Creep in Amorphous Metals” Journal of Materials Resh. and Tech”, 4, 2015, pp. 100-107.

M.E. Kassner, K. Smith and C.S. Campbell, “Low-temperature Creep in Metals and Alloys”,Mater. Sci, 50, 2015, pp. 6539-6551.

T.Q. Phan, J. P. Kelly, O.A. Graeve, M.E. Kassner, V.E. Eliasson, A.M. Hodge, “Millimeter-scale Fracture Toughness and Flexural Modulus Testing of an Fe Based Bulk Metallic Glass (SAM2X5)”, Journal of Metallurgy,  Article ID 6508597, 2016, 8 pages.

Q. Phan, L. E. Levine, I-F. Lee, R. Xu, J.Z. Tischler, Y. Huang, T. G. Langdon, and M.E.Kassner“Synchrotron X-Ray Microbeam Diffraction Measurements of Full Elastic Long    Range Internal Strain and Stress Tensors in Commercial-Purity Aluminum Processed by Multiple Passes of Equal-Channel Angular Pressing”, Acta Mater, 112, 2016, pp. 231-241.

K.K. Smith and M.E. Kassner “Through-Thickness Compression Testing of Commercially-Pure (Grade II) Titanium Thin-Sheet to Large Strains”, J. Metallurgy, Article 6178790, 2016, 11pages.

Smith, M.E. Kassner and P. Kumar, “Long-Term Annealing of High Purity Aluminum Single Crystals: New Insights into Harper-Dorn Creep” Mater. Sci. and Eng. A, 705, 2017, pp.1-5.

M.E. Kassner and K. Smith, Erratum: “Low-temperature Creep in Metals and Alloys”,Mater. Sci, 52, 2017, pp. 13681-13684.

M.E. Kassner, C.S. Campbell and R. Ermagan, Large Strain Softening in Aluminum  in  Pure Shear at Elevated-temperatures: Influence of Dislocation Climb”, Metall. and Mater. Trans. 48,  2017, pp. 3971-3974.

M.E. Kassner, “Recent Developments in Understanding the Creep of Aluminum”, 40, Materials Physics and Mechanics, 2018, pp 1-6. doi: 10.18720/MPM.4012018 1

L.E. Levine, M. R. Stoudt, A. Creuziger, T.Q. Phan, R. Xu, M.E. Kassner, “Basis for the Bauschinger Effect in Copper Single Crystals: Changes in the Long-Range Internal Stress with Reverse Deformation”, Jour Mater. Sci.,54, no. 8, 2019, pp. 6579–6585.

M.E. Kassner, ­­­ “Application of the Taylor Equation to Five Power-Law Creep Considering the Influence of Solutes”, Metals, 8, 2018, 813, pp.1-4, doi: 10.3390/met8100813

M.E. Kassner, R. Ermagan, “Power Law Breakdown in the Creep in Single-Phase Metals”, Metals, 9, 2019, pp1345.

R. Ermagan, M. Sauzay, M. E. Kassner, “Assessment of Internal Stresses Using Dislocation Dipole Heights in Cyclically Deformed [001] Copper Single Crystals,” Metals,10, no. 4, 2020, p 512, doi: 10.3390/met10040512.


Review: “Current Issues in Recrystallization,” Materials Today, 1, 1998, pp. 14-15.

Scientific Policy Journal Articles

M.E. Kassner, “Sustaining Leadership in STEM Education”, livebetter eMAGAZINE,  No. 14,Nov. 2011.

M.L. Klunder and M.E. Kassner, “Basic Research at ONR:  Justification and Execution”, Jour. Naval Eng,124-3, Sept,  2012, pp. 59-68.

Conference Proceedings

M.E. Kassner, K.A. Rubin, and A.K. Miller, “Verification of a Microstructurally-Based Equation for Elevated Temperature Isotropic Hardening,” Strength of Metals and Alloys, R.W. Gifkins, ed, Pergamon Press, pp. 581-587, 1982.

M.E. Kassner and R.D. Breithaupt, “The Yield Stress of 21-6-9 Stainless Steel Over a Wide Range of Strain Rate (10-5 to 104 s-1) and Temperature,” Mechanical Properties at High Rates of Strain, J. Harding, ed., Institute of Physics, pp. 47-54, 1984 (refereed).

M.E. Kassner and A.K. Miller, “Subgrains, Dislocations and the Elevated Temperature Strength of Type 304 Stainless Steel,” New Developments in Stainless Steel Technology, R.A. Lula, ed., ASM, pp. 19-29, 1985.

M.E. Kassner and J.W. Elmer, “The Variation in the Spacing of Dislocations in Subgrain Boundaries with Creep Strain in Type 304 Stainless Steel,” Strength of Metals and Alloys, H.J. McQueen et al., eds., Pergamon Press, pp. 953-958, 1985.

A.W. Sleeswyk, M.E. Kassner, and G. Kemerink, “In Situ Cyclic X-Y Mechanical Tests in the HVEM,” Strength of Metals and Alloys, H.J. McQueen et al., eds., Pergamon Press, pp. 1417-1422, 1985.

A.W. Sleeswyk, M.E. Kassner, and G.J. Kemerink, Chapter 6 – “The Effect of Partial Reversibility of Dislocation Motion,” in Large Deformations of Solids:  Physical Basis and Mathematical Modelling, J. Gittus et al., eds., Elsevier App. Sci., London, pp. 81-99, 1986 (invited).

M.E. Kassner and M.E. McMahon, “The Variation of the Subgrain Misorientation in Aluminum Deformed to Large Steady-State Creep Strains,” Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structure, B. Wilshire and R.W. Evans, eds., Institute of Metals, London, 1987, pp. 29-40.

M.E. Kassner and J.J. Oldani, “Large-Strain Softening in Aluminum at Elevated Temperature,” Univ. Chile, eds., The Ninth Inter-American Conference of Materials Technology, Editorial Universitaria, Santiago, Chile, 1987, pp. 219-223.

M.E. Kassner, J.J. Oldani, and K.L. Cadwell, “The Variation of Torsional Ductility of High Purity Aluminum with Temperature and Strain-Rate,” Proceedings of the XXII International Metallurgy Congress – Innovation for Quality, Assoc. of Italian Metallurgists, Milan, 1988, pp. 505-514 (invited).

H.J. McQueen and M.E. Kassner, “Extended Ductility in α-Iron and Aluminum Alloys,” Super­plasticity in Aerospace, H.C. Heikkenen and T.R. McNelley, eds, AIME, Warrendale, PA, pp. 77-96, 1988.

M.E. Kassner, R.S. Rosen, G.A. Henshall and W.E. King, “Delayed Failure of Silver-Aided Diffusion Welds,” Brazing, High-Temperature Brazing and Diffusion Bonding, DVS-125, DVS-Verlag, Dusseldorf, FRG, 1989, pp. 47-52.

R.S. Rosen, S. Beitscher, and M.E. Kassner, “Stress Corrosion Cracking of Uranium-Silver Interfaces in Silver-Aided Diffusion Welds,” Environment Induced Cracking of Metals, R.P. Gangloff and M.B. Ives, eds., NACE, Houston, 1990, pp. 429-433 (refereed).

M.E. Kassner, R.S. Rosen, G.A. Henshall, and K.D. Challenger, “Time-Dependent Failure of Silver-Interlayer Diffusion Bonds Between Non-Deforming Base-Metals,” Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, B. Wilshire and R.W. Evans, eds., Institute of Metals, London, 1990, pp. 179-188.

H.J. McQueen and M.E. Kassner, “Behavior of Al-Mg in Hot Working and Superplasticity,” Superplasticity in Aerospace II, T.R. McNelley and H.C. Heikkenen, eds., AIME, Warrendale, PA, 1990, pp. 189-206, (invited).

M.E. Kassner, N.Q. Nguyen, G.A. Henshall, and H.J. McQueen, “The Effects of Temperature and Strain-Rate on Extended Ductility,” Advanced Aluminum and Magnesium Alloys, T. Khan and G. Effenberg, eds., ASM International, Brussels, 1990, pp. 591-598.

G.A. Henshall, M.E. Kassner, and R.S. Rosen, “Ambient Temperature Creep Failure of Silver-Aided Diffusion Bonds Between Steel,” Diffusion Bonding 2, D. Stephenson, ed., Elsevier Applied Science, London, 1991, pp. 13-24.

M.E. Kassner, G.A. Henshall, and H.J. McQueen, “The Ductility and Microstructure of Aluminum and Aluminum Magnesium Alloys Deformed to Large Strains at Elevated Temperature,” Hot Deformation of Aluminum Alloys, T.G. Langdon, H.D. Merchant, J.G. Morris, and M.A. Zaidi, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, 1991, pp. 261-275.

M.E. Kassner, “Classic Dislocation-Hardening Equations that Describe Elevated Temperature Plasticity,” Modeling the Deformation of Crystalline Solids, T.C. Lowe, A.D. Rollett, P. Follansbee, and G. Daehn, eds., TMS-AIME, Warrendale, PA, pp. 309-326, 1991.  (refereed)

R.S. Rosen, M.A. Viliardos, M.E. Kassner, D.G. Steans, and S.P. Vernon, “Thermal Stability of Mo/Si Multilayers,” Proceedings Multilayer Optic for Advanced X-Ray Applications, N. Ceglio, ed., San Diego, CA, SPIE Vol. 1547, 1992, pp. 212-228 (invited).

M.E. Kassner, M.C. Tolle, R.S. Rosen, G.A. Henshall and J.W. Elmer, “Mechanical Behavior of Thin Interlayer Brazes and Solid State Bonds,” Metal Science of Joining, M.J. Cieslak, ed., TMS, Warrendale, PA, 1992, pp. 223-232 (invited).

K.E. Thiehsen, M.E. Kassner, D.R. Hiatt, and B. Bristow, “Some Factors Affecting the Creep of Ti 6242,” Titanium 92, TMS, Warrendale, PA, 1993, pp. 1717-1724.

M.E. Kassner, G.A. Henshall, and H.J. McQueen, “The Microstructure of Al-5.8 at.% Mg Deformed to Large Regime Strains in 3-Power Creep,” Third International Conference on Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys, Vol. 2, L. Arnberg, O. Lohne, E. Nes, and N. Ryum, eds., The Norwegian Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 1992, pp. 185-190.

H.J. McQueen, E. Evangelista, N. Jin, and M.E. Kassner, “Dynamic Recovery, Dynamic Recrystallization and Energy Dissipation Efficiency in Aluminum Alloys,” Advances in Hot Deformation, Textures and Microstructures, J.J. Jonas, T. Bieler, and K. Bowman, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, 1994, pp. 251-267.

M.E. Kassner, J. Pollard, E. Evangelista, and E. Cerri, “Restoration Mechanisms in Large-Strain Deformation of High-Purity Aluminum at Ambient Temperature,” Strength of Materials, H. Oikawa, M. Maruyama, S. Takiuchi, and M. Yamaguchi, eds., Japan Inst. Metals, 1994, pp. 263-266.

S.C. Bergsma and M.E. Kassner, “A New High Strength 6XXX Alloy,” Fourth International Conference on Aluminum Alloys, T.H. Sanders and E.A. Starke, eds., Georgia Inst. Tech., Atlanta, 1994, Vol. 1, pp. 413-419.

S.C. Bergsma and M.E. Kassner, “6069:  A New High Strength Aluminum Alloy,” Fourth International Conference on Aluminum Alloys, T.H. Sanders and E.A. Starke, eds., Georgia Inst. Tech., Atlanta, 1994, Vol. 3, pp. 187-196.

M.A. Delos-Reyes, M.E. Kassner, K.E. Thiehsen, D.R. Hiatt, and B.M. Bristow, “The Effect of Nickel Chromium and Primary Alpha Phase on the Creep Behavior of Ti 6242,” Micro­structure/ Property Relationships of Titanium Alloys, S. Ankem and J.A. Hall, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, 1994, pp. 47-54.

M.E. Kassner, “The Effect of Low-Angle and High-Angle Grain Boundaries on Elevated Temperature Strength,” Grain Size and Mechanical Properties – Fundamentals and Applications, M.A. Otooni, R.W. Armstrong, N.J. Grant, and K. Ishizaki, eds., MRS, 1995, pp. 157-162 (refereed).

M.E. Kassner and E. Evangelista, “Dynamic Recrystallization in Pure Aluminum,” Proceedings of the 16th Risø International Symposium on Materials Science:  Microstructural and Crystallo­graphic Aspects of Recrystallization, N. Hansen, D. Juul-Jensen, Y.L. Liu, and B. Ralph, eds., Risø, Denmark,  Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, 1995, pp. 383-391 (invited).

M.A. Wall and M.E. Kassner, “In-Situ Reversed Deformation of Aluminum Single Crystals in the HVEM:  A New X-Y Straining Stage,” Proceedings Microscopy and Microanalysis 1995, G.W. Bailey, M.H. Ellisman, R.A. Hennigar, and N.J. Zaluzec, eds., MSA, 1995, pp. 248-249.

M.E. Kassner and S.C. Bergsma, “The Development of Novel Methods for Fabrication of Semi-Solid Aluminum Alloys,” Proceedings of the 1996 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Dearborn, MI, 1996, pp. 391-392 (invited).

S.C. Bergsma and M.E. Kassner, “Mechanical Behavior of 6069 Aluminum Alloy,” ISATA 29th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, D. Roller, ed., Automotive Automation LTD, Croydon, England, 1996, Vol. 1, pp. 627-633 (invited).

M.A. Wall and M.E. Kassner, “In-Situ Reversed Deformation Aluminum Single Crystals of Pre-Fatigued Crystals in the HVEM,” Proceedings, Microscopy and Microanalysis, G.W. Bailey, J.M. Korbett, R.V.W. Dimlich, J.R. Michael, and N.J. Zaluzec, eds., San Francisco Press Inc., San Francisco, CA, 1996, pp. 1024-1025.

M.E. Kassner, “High Temperature Mechanical Behavior of Al-Mg Alloys Deformed in the Solute Drag Regime:  Dynamic Restoration Mechanisms and Extended Ductility,” Hot Workability of Steels and Light Alloys— Composites, H.J. McQueen, E.V. Konopleva, and N.D. Ryan, eds., Canadian Inst. of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Montreal, Quebec, 1996, pp. 3-14 (invited).

M.E. Kassner, S.C. Bergsma, and E. Evangelista, “Dynamic Recovery and Recrystallization of High Purity Silver Deformed to Large Strains between 0.16 and 0.30 Tm,” Proceedings of ReX¢96, the Third International Conference on Recrystallization and Related Phenomena, T. McNelley, ed., MIAS, Monterey, CA, 1997, pp. 227-238 (invited).

M.E. Kassner, “Mechanisms of Low Temperature Creep Fracture in Constrained Thin Film Metals,” Seventh International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials, J.C.  Earthman and F.A. Mohamed, eds., TMS, Warrendale, 1997, pp. 353-360 (invited).

S.C. Bergsma, M.E. Kassner, X. Li, and M.A. Wall, “Strengthening in the New Aluminum Alloy AA6069,” Automotive Alloys II, S. Das, ed., TMS, Warrendale, 1998, pp. 161-171.

S.C. Bergsma, M.C. Tolle, M.E. Kassner, X. Li, and E. Evangelista, “Semi-Solid Thermal Transformations in Al-Si Alloys,” Semi-Solid Processing of Alloys and Composites, A.K. Bhasin, J.J. Moore, K.P. Young, and S. Midson, eds., Colorado Sch. Mines, 1998, pp. 149-155 (invited).

M.E. Kassner, “Large Strain Deformation of Aluminum Single Crystals at Elevated Temperature,” Hot Deformation of Aluminum Alloys II, T.R. Bieler, L.A. Lalli, and S.P. McEwen, eds., TMS, Warrendale, 1998, pp. 38 (invited).

M.E. Kassner, “Dynamic Recrystallization,” Constitutive and Damage Modeling of Inelastic Deformation and Phase Transformation, A.S. Kahn, ed., Neat Press, Fulton, MD, Proceedings of Plasticity ‘99, Cancun, Mexico, 1998, pp. 1013-1016.

McKittrick, M.E. Kassner, and L.E. Shea, “Materials Issues in Flat Panel Displays: Phosphor Selection and Optimization,” 1998 International Symposium on Microelectronics, International Microelectronics and Packaging Society, Reston, VA, 1998, pp. 591-596.

M.E. Kassner, T.C. Kennedy, and K.K. Schrems, “Mechanism of Ductile Fracture in Constrained Thin Films,” Fracture and Ductile vs. Brittle Behavior, Theory Modelling and Experiment, G. Beltz, R. Selinger, K.-S. Kim, and M. Marder, eds., MRS, Warrendale, PA, 1999, pp. 263-268.

M.E. Kassner, R. Faber, X. Li, Y. Ge, Y. Kosaka, B. Bristow, S.H. Reichman, and J.A. Hall, “Low Cycle Dwell Fatigue in Ti-6242,” Fatigue of Titanium Alloy, Eylon, Lütjering and R.R. Boyer, eds., TMS, Warrendale, 1999, pp. 119-126.

K.K. Schrems, M.E. Kassner, and T.C. Kennedy, “Theoretical, Experimental and Computational Mechanics of Fracture in Constrained Interlayers,” Society of Experimental Mechanics Annual Conference on Theoretical, Experimental and Computational Mechanics, SEM, Bethel, CT, 1999, pp. 125-128.

S.C. Bergsma and M.E. Kassner, “The Optimized Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Semi-Solid  and Modified 319 Alloy,” Light Metals 1999, M. Bouchard and A. Faucher, eds., Canadian Inst. of Mining, Metallurgy and Petrol., Montreal, 1999, pp. 375-382.

M.E. Kassner, M.T. Perez-Prado, and K.S. Vecchio, “Cyclic Deformation Dislocation Microstructures,” Advanced Materials for the 21st Century, 1999 J.R. Weertman Symposium, Y.-W. Chung, D.C. Dunand, P.K. Liaw, and G.B. Olsen, eds., TMS, Warrendal, PA, 1999, pp. 3-13 (invited).

M.E. Kassner and T.A. Hayes, “Subgrain Strengthening Revisited II,” Deformation, Processing and Properties of Structural Materials, A Symposium Honoring Prof. O.D. Sherby, E.M. Taleff, C.K. Syn, and D.R. Lesuer, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, 2000, pp. 121-130 (invited).

S.C. Bergsma, X. Li, S.P. Paddon, and M.E. Kassner, “The Optimized Tensile and Fatigue Properties of 357 and Modified 319 Alloys for Automotive Applications,” Automotive Alloys 1999, S. Das, ed., TMS, Warrendale, PA, 2000, pp. 265-278 [electronic in PDF (4194)].

M.E. Kassner, M.-T. Perez-Prado, R.S. Rosen, and S.C. Bergsma, “Recent Developments in Understanding Five Power Law Creep in Metals,” Plastic and Viscoplastic Response of Materials and Metal Forming, A.S. Khan, H. Zhang, and Y. Yuen, eds., Neat Press, Fulton, MD, 2000, pp. 351-353.

S.C. Bergsma, M.E. Kassner, E. Evangelista, and E. Cerri, “The Optimized Tensile and Fatigue Properties of Electromagnetically Stirred and Thermally Transformed Semi-Solid 357 and Modified 319 Aluminum Alloys,” Proceedings of 6th International Conference for Semi-Solids, Processing of Alloys and Composites, Turin, Italy, G.L. Chiametta and M. Rosso, eds., Edimet, Brescia, Italy, 2000, pp. 319-324; also in Metallurgical Science and Technology, 18, 2000, pp. 21-26.

T.A. Hayes, R.S. Rosen, M.E. Kassner, and K.S. Vecchio, “Analysis of Dry Storage Temperature Limits of Zircaloy-Clad Spent Nuclear Fuel,” Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management XXIII, R.W. Smith and D.W. Shoesmith, eds., MRS, 2000, Vol. 608, pp. 23-28.

M.E. Kassner, “Elevated Temperature Large-Strain Softening of Aluminum in Pure Shear,” Light Metals 2000, J. Kazadi and J. Masounave, eds., Canadian Inst. of Mining, Metallurgy and Petrol., Montreal, 2000, pp. 431-438.

H.J. McQueen and M.E. Kassner, “Hot Deformation Mode and TMP in Aluminum Alloys,” Lightweight Alloys for Aerospace Applications IV (PDF Edition), K. Jata, E.W. Lee,W. Frazier, and N.J. Kim, eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, 2001, pp. 63-76.

M.E. Kassner, M.Z. Wang, and S.C. Bergsma, “Large-Strain Softening of Aluminum in Shear at Elevated Temperature,” Creep Deformation:  Fundamentals and Applications, R.S. Mishra, J.C. Earthman, and S.V. Raj, eds., TMS, Warrendale, 2002, pp. 61-70.

Barrabes, C. Daraio, M.E. Kassner, T.A. Hayes, and M.Z. Wang, “Dynamic Restoration Mechanisms and Discontinuous Dynamic Recrystallization in a-Zirconium,” Light Metals 2002, T. Lewis, ed., Canadian Inst. Mining, Metall. and Petrol., Montreal, 2002, pp. 825-839.

M.E. Kassner and K. Kyle, “Taylor Hardening in Five Power Law Creep of Metals and Class M Alloys,” Nano and Microstructural Design of Advanced Materials, M. Meyers, R.Ritchie and M. Sarikaya eds., Elsevier 2003, pp.255-271

S.C. Bergsma, M.-Z. Wang, and M.E. Kassner, “The Optimized Tensile Properties of Experimental Semi-Solid Aluminum Alloys,” Hot Deformation of Aluminum Alloys, Z. Jin, A. Beaudoin, T.R. Bieler, and B. Radhakrishnan, eds., TMS, Warrendale, 2003, pp. 411-421.

M.A. Delos-Reyes, M.E. Kassner, and L.E.  Levine, “X-Ray Diffraction and the Existence of Long-Range Internal Stresses,” Dislocations, Plasticity and Metal Forming, A.S. Kahn, R. Kazmi and J. Zhou eds, Neat Press, 2003, pp. 262-264.

Barrabes, M.E. Kassner, M.-T.Perez-Prado and M.Z. Wang, “Structural Refinement by Geometric Dynamic Recrystallization in a-Zirconium at Elevated Temperatures.” In Ultrafine Grained Materials, Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, R.Z. Valiev, S.L. Semiatin, Dh. Shing, and T. C. Lowe, TMS, Warrendale, PA, 2004 pp.615-620.

Barrabes, M.-T. Perez-Prado, M.E. Kassner and O.A. Ruano, “Analisis mediante Microscopia de haz de Electrones Convergente (CBED) de la Desorientación de Fronteras de grano en Zr Puro deformando en Fluencia,” Proceedings of the VIII Congresso National de Materiales-Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, 2004, pp. 493-498.

T.A. Hayes and M.E. Kassner, “Creep in Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys,” Proceedings of Creep Deformation and Fracture, Design and Life Extensions, Pittsburgh, PA, 2005, R. Misra, S.V. Raj, J.C. Earthman, R. Viswarathan eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, pp. 13-26.

T.A. Hayes and M.E. Kassner, “Creep Fracture of Zirconium Alloys,” Proceedings of Creep Deformation and Fracture, Design and Life Extensions, Pittsburgh, PA, 2005, R. Misra, S.V. Raj, J.C. Earthman, R. Viswarathan eds., TMS, Warrendale, PA, pp. 27-40.

Cabibbo, E. Evangelista, M.E. Kassner and M.A. Meyers, “Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Strain Induced Low and High-angle Boundary Development in Equal-Channel Angular-Pressed Commercially Pure Aluminum,” Ultrafine Grained Materials IV, Y.T. Zhu, T.G. Langdon, Z. Horita, M.J. Zehetbauer, S.L. Semiatin, T.C. Lowe, eds. TMS Warrendale, PA, 2006, pp. 237-244. (invited)

M.E. Kassner and M.A. Delos-Reyes, “Microstructure and Internal Stresses in Deformed FCC Single Crystals in Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures,” E.E. Gdoutos ed, Springer 2006, pp. 55-56, plus long version, electronic, ISBN-1-4020-4971-4, Proceedings of European Conference of Fracture, E.E. Gdoutos ed., Springer 2006.

B.K. Kad, M. Gebert, M.E. Kassner and M.A. Meyers, “Microstructural Evolution and Grain Refinement in HCP-Zr Shear Bands, Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Mechanical and Physical Behavior of Materials under Dynamic Loading, 2006, Dijon, France, J. Cirne, R. Dormeval eds., also J. de Physique IV, 134, 2006, pp. 1137-1144.

M.-T. Perez-Prado, L. Jiang , F. Salort, O.A. Ruano and M.E. Kassner, Nanostructuring a Zr-Hf alloy via Large Strain Rolling,” Mater Science Forum, 539-542, 2007, pp. 2843-2848.

M.-T. Perez-Prado, L. Jiang, O.A. Ruano, M.E. Kassner, “Ultrafino fabricado mediante laminado accumulativo” XXII, Bienal de la SME, Bilbao, Spain, A. IIbarra, J.M. San Juan and M.L. No, ed., July 2007, pp. 153-154, Graficas, Uncilla, Univ. del Pais, Vasco, Bilbao, ISBN 97884611-7793-6.

Jiang, M.-T. Perez-Prado, O. Ruano, M.E. Kassner, “EBSD Study of Annealing Rolled Zr,” Ceramic Trans. 200, 2008, pp.555-562 and Proc. ICOTOM-15, June 1-6, Pittsburgh, A.D Rollett ed., ACS, TMS, 2008 (CD).

Jiang, M.-T. Perez-Prado, O. Ruano, M.E. Kassner, “Bond Strength of Ultrafine Grained Zr Fabricated by accumulative Roll-Bonding Processing,” Material Science Forum, 584-586,2008, pp 243-248.

M.E. Kassner, P. Geantil, L.E. Levine and B.C. Larson, “Backstress, the Bauschinger Effect and Cyclic Deformation,” Materials Forum, 604-605, 2009, pp. 39-51.

M.E. Kassner, P. Geantil “Long-Range Internal Stresses in Creep,” Proc. 12th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures , Kyoto, Japan, 2012, ISBN978-4-88903-407-3 C3057, Japan Inst. Metals, Sendai, Japan, K02.

Sabirov, J.M. Molina-Aldareguia, L. Jiang, M.E. Kassner, M.T. Perez-Prado, “Effect of Accumulative Roll Bonding on Plastic Flow Properties of Commercially Pure Zirconium”, Proc. ESAFORM Conf., Belfast, Apr. 2011,  G. Menary ed. AIP, vol. 1353, pp. 487-492.

Geantil, B. Devincre, M.E. Kassner, “Dislocation-Induced Internal Stresses”, Advanced Materials Modelling for Structures, Springer, Berlin, Heidleberg, 2013, pp.177-187.

M.E. Kassner and K.K. Smith, “Fundamentals of Creep in Aluminum Over a Very Wide Temperature Range”, Mechanical and Creep Behavior of Advanced Materials, K.L. Murty Symposium, TMS, 2017, 2017, pp. 57-64.

T.A Hayes and M.E. Kassner, “Creep of Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys”, Mechanical and Creep Behavior of Advanced Materials, K.L. Murty Symposium, TMS, 2017, 2017, pp103-114.

M.E. Kassner and R. Ermagan, “Understanding Large-Strain Softening  of Aluminum in Shear at Elevated Temperatures”Light Metals 2018: Aluminum Alloys, Processing and Characterization, O. Martin ed, Springer, 2018, pp. 341-345.

M.E. Kassner and R. Ermagan, “Strain Softening of Aluminum in Shear at Elevated Temperature”, Proceedings of THERMEC’ 2018, Paris, Mater. Sci Forum,  in press.

Chapters or Articles in Books (not in earlier books or references)

R.S. Rosen and M.E. Kassner, “Mechanical Properties of Soft-Interlayer Solid State Welds,” ASM Vol. 6, 10th Ed. Welding, Brazing, Soldering, and Other Joining Technologies,  pp. 65-72,  1993.

T.A. Hayes and M.E. Kassner, “Elastic Constants of a-Si and a-Si:H,” in Properties of Amorphous Silicon and Its Alloys, T.M. Searle, ed., Inst. Electrical Engineers, INSPEC, Stevenridge, Herts, UK, 1998, pp. 359-362.

T.A. Hayes and M.E. Kassner, “Hardness and Wear of a-Si and a-Si:H,” in Properties of Amorphous Silicon and Its Alloys, T.M. Searle ed., Inst. Electrical Engineers, INSPEC, Stevenridge, Herts, UK, 1998, pp. 363-366.

T.A. Hayes and M.E. Kassner, “Intrinsic Stress in a-Si and a-Si:H Films,” in Properties of Amorphous Silicon and Its Alloys, T.M. Searle, ed., Inst. Electrical Engineers, INSPEC, Stevenridge, Herts, UK, 1998, pp. 366-369.

T.A. Hayes and M.E. Kassner, “Thermal Expansion Coefficient in a-Si and a-Si:H,” in Properties of Amorphous Silicon and Its Alloys, T.M. Searle, ed., Inst. Electrical Engineers, INSPEC, Stevenridge, Herts, UK, 1998, pp. 370-372.

Reports and Others

M.E. Kassner, “Variation of the Yield Strength and Strain-Rate Sensitivity Exponent of Type 21-6-9 Stainless Steel Over a Wide Temperature Range,” Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report UCID-19597, Livermore, CA, November 15, 1982, 6 pp.

R.S. Rosen and M.E. Kassner, (CLASSIFIED), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report UCRL-53811, Livermore, CA, August 1987, 94 pp.

R.S. Rosen, M.E. Kassner, and J.J. Oldani, “Simple Constitutive Relationships for the Yield and Ultimate Strengths of Alloyed Plutonium in Tension, Compression, and Torsion,” (CLASSI­FIED), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report UCRL-53897, Livermore, CA, February 1989, 15 pp.

M.E. Kassner, “Office of Basic Energy Sciences (OBES),” Current Status, Research Needs, and Opportunities in Applications of Surface Processing to Transportation and Utilities Technology, Proceedings of a December 1991 Workshop, A.W. Czanderna and A.R. Landgrebe, eds., NREL/CP-412-5007, September 1992, pp. A1-1 to A1-3.

F.J. Weber, D.G. Stearns, and M.E. Kassner, “Fatigue Expectations in a Mo/Si Multilayer under Pulsed Soft X-Ray Radiation,” Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report UCRL/JC-119635, January 1995, 16 pp.

Roehnelt, M.E. Kassner, T.C. Kennedy, and R.S. Rosen, “Elastic Incompatibility Stresses Across Planar and Nonplanar Grain Boundaries in Silver, Aluminum, and Zirconium Applied to Ductile Fracture Criteria Under High Triaxial Stress,” Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report UCRL-ID-124394, July 1996.

R.S. Rosen, R.W. Lowry, and M.E. Kassner, “High Temperature Properties of Alloys Being Considered for Design of a Concentric Canister Launcher,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, NSWCDD/TR-98/72, June 1998, 33 pp.

J.S. Vetrano, S.M. Brummer, L.M. Pawlowski, I.M. Robertson, S.C. Bergsma, T.G. Nieh, J.W. Elmer, M.E. Kassner, and S. Paddon, “Novel Aluminum Alloy Forming Processes,” Research Briefs, CSP DOE Center for Excellence for the Synthesis and Processing of Advanced Materials, Sandia National Laboratory Report SAN99-1155, May 1999, pp. 18-19.

T.C. Kennedy, M.E. Kassner, T. Puttapitukporn, and R.S. Rosen, “Mechanical Analysis of an SM-2 Blk IV Restrained Firing Within a Concentric Canister Launcher Test Unit,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, NSWCDD/TN-99/18, August 1999, 28 pp.

T.C. Kennedy, M.E. Kassner, T. Puttapitukporn, and R.S. Rosen, “Mechanical Analysis of Standard Missile (SM-2 Blk IV) Restrained Firing Within a Concentric Canister Launcher Test Unit Using Worst-Case Heat-Transfer Coefficients,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, NSWCDD/TN-99/117, September 1999, 42 pp.

T.C. Kennedy, M.E. Kassner, T. Puttapitukporn, and R.S. Rosen, “Mechanical Analysis of Standard Missile (SM-2 Blk II) Restrained Firing Within a Concentric Canister Launcher Test Unit,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, NSWCDD/TN-99/126, October 1999, 38 pp.

T.A. Hayes, R.S. Rosen, and M.E. Kassner, “Critical Analysis of Interim Dry Waste Storage Temperature Limits,” Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Report, UCRL-ID-131098, December 1999, 145 pp.

T.C. Kennedy, M.E. Kassner, T. Puttapitukporn, R.S. Rosen, and V. McDonald, “Mechanical Analysis of the Mk 72 Booster Motor Case Loads During Restrained Firing Within a Concentric Canister Launcher Test Unit,” Naval Surface Warfare Center, NSWCDD/TN-00/17, January 2000, 26 pp.

Allen, S. Bruemmer, J. Elmer, M. Kassner, A. Motta, R. Odette, R. Stoeler, G. Was, W. Wolfer, and S. Zinkle, “Higher Temperature Materials Workshop,” Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, ANL-02/12, June 2002, 57 pp.

M.E. Kassner, “Long Range Internal Stresses and Mechanisms of Cyclic and Monotonic Deformations,” Mechanical Behavior Contractor’s Meeting-2006, March 15-17, 2006, San Antonio, TX, Basic Energy Sciences, Office of Science, Dept. of Energy, Washington, D.C., pp. 19-22.

R.S. Rosen and M.E. Kassner, “Waster Treatment Plant Design Dynamic Stress-strain Curves for Stainless Steel”, Staff Information Paper to the Board, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, 30 pp, June 2011.