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Principal Investigator

Professor Michael E. Kassner

Professor, USC Viterbi School of Engineering

2009-Present: Choong Hoon Cho Chair and Professor of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

2003-2009: Professor and Chair, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering and Professor of Materials Science

Doctoral Degree, Materials Engineering, Stanford University

Master’s Degree, Materials Engineering, Stanford University

Bachelor’s Degree, Northwestern University

Research Interests: 
Metal plasticity theory, creep, fracture, phase diagrams, fatigue, and semi-solid forming.

Prof.Kassner Resume

Graduate Students

Roya Ermagan 

In Progress Ph.D., Materials Science, University of Southern California
2017 M.S., Materials Science, University of Southern California
2013 B.Sc., Materials Science and Engineering, Iran University of Science and Engineering

Research Interests: Long range internal stresses, TEM analysis of dislocation formation, dislocation micro-structures, and stress behavior in metals


KwangTae Son

In Progress Ph.D., Materials Science, University of Southern California
2016 M.S., Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University
2014 B.Sc., Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University

Research Interests: Additive manufacturing, Superalloys, High temperature creep, Phase analysis

Visiting Scientists

Visiting Research Scholar, University of Southern California
2015, M.S., Materials Engineering, IISc, Bangalore, India
2012, B. Tech, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NITK Surathkal, Karnataka, India.

Research Interests: Mechanical behavior, high temperature deformation of materials, sever plastic deformation, microstructural characterization.

Co-Advisor: Prof.Praveen Kumar

Michele Atzeni

In Progress M.S., Food Equipment Engineering, University of Parma
2016 B.Sc., Management Engineering, University of Parma