#PharmacyLovesLove (Legislative Week) (Oct. 10th-21st, 2019) [RxPride]

The recent victory of Senate Bill SB159, which stipulates that California Pharmacists are able to furnish PrEP and PEP without a physician’s prescription, demonstrates that the future is promising for the pursuit of equitable healthcare and systemic changes in healthcare infrastructure for LGBTQ+ community. 

RxPride USC took part in the 2019 Pharmacy Legislative Week and USC Legislative Day in efforts to continue advancing LGBTQ+ health equity! At the USC Legislative Day, with the guidance of advocates of SB 159, author California State Senator Scott Wiener and Dr. Nicole Thibeau, Director Of Pharmacy Services at the Los Angeles LGBT Center, students were given the tools to engage with state legislators and policymakers.

October 11th, 2019 is the 31st Anniversary of National Coming Out Day! To celebrate, Rx Pride will have a table set up next to Rx Cafe from 12-1pm–stop by to learn more about National Coming Out Day! There will be chocolates, Rx Pride swag, and rainbow flags!