Latinx Advancing in Pharmacy – National Hispanic Pharmacists Association (LAP-NHPA)

About Us

The mission of NHPA is to empower Hispanic student pharmacists at the USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences to improve the health of Hispanic populations in the surrounding communities that need it most. NHPA strives to define the future role of minority health professionals in the community and develop the next generation of Latinx student pharmacists to make a meaningful impact on those that follow their footsteps. The vision of NHPA is to optimize programs that will improve the healthcare awareness of minority communities.
While providing students with the professional opportunities to succeed in their careers and in the community, its collaboration with LAP will also further provide a safe-space on campus for Latinx students in all programs at the USC Alfred E. Mann School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences. The opportunities to socialize and network with other Latinx students will be provided, while highlighting the cultural importance of Latinx backgrounds that ultimately unite the Latinx community.


    • To mentor Latinx students and provide a community where they can come together and embrace their culture.
    • To bring interest and awareness of cultural aspects of the Latinx community to USC Mann students to better serve Latinx communities.
    • To define the roles of minority healthcare professionals and develop the next generation of Latinx student pharmacists.

Upcoming & Current Events

Check out LAP-NHPA’s website for upcoming events.
