Art and Medicine: Cathy Immordino


presents Art and Medicine

A conversation with Artist Cathy Immordino, Artist and Residence Ted Meyer,

Dr. Sigita Cahoon MD Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology,

and Dr. Elizabeth Hur MD, Maternal Mental Health Fellow


Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 12:00 – 1:00pm 
Mayer Auditorium
No one ever told me about the dark side to pregnancy. The experience was always glossed over with deadly complications left undiscussed. I had always seen the happy soon-to-be mom preparing the nursery and smiling for the day to meet her child. Well, that’s not even close to how this played out. Somewhere between rare blood antigen complications and hospital germs, we both almost died.
 While masks are not required for this event, we ask that attendees, vaccinated or unvaccinated, consider wearing them for their own protection and the protection of others. Please note that protocols are subject to change.

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