Google Scholar Citations.
^Wang group member. *Corresponding author. #Equal contribution
Selected media coverage listed, more under Media Coverage.
64. Haoxiang Deng^, Haixu Du^, Yanchu Zhang^, Ketian Li^, and Qiming Wang*, Mechanics of CO2-Induced Dynamic Covalent Polymer Networks: Constitutive Modeling and Crack Healing, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2025, accepted.
63. Haoxiang Deng^, Haixu Du^, Ketian Li^, Yanchu Zhang^, Kyung Hoon Lee^, Botong Zheng, Qiming Wang*, Towards negative carbon footprint: carbon sequestration enabled manufacturing of coral-inspired tough structural composites. npj Advanced Manufacturing 2.1 (2025): 1. [PDF]
62. Ketian Li^, Kunhao Yu^, Yanchu Zhang^, Haixu Du^, Constantinos Sioutas*, Qiming Wang*, Unveiling the mechanism secret of abrasion emissions of particulate matter and microplastics. Scientific Reports 14.1 (2024): 23710. [PDF]
61. Ketian Li^, Yanchu Zhang^, Kunhao Yu^, Haixu Du^, Constantinos Sioutas*, Qiming Wang*, Mechanics of abrasion-induced particulate matter emission. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 188 (2024): 105661. [PDF]
60. Al Ba’ba’a, Hasan B.^, Kyung Hoon Lee^, and Qiming Wang*. Designing topological acoustic lattices via electroacoustic analogies. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics 145.5 (2023): 051001. [PDF]
59. Yipin Su^, An Xin^, Qiming Wang*, Mechanics of Living Lattice Composites With Growing Crystals, Journal of Applied Mechanics 90.5 (2023): 051006. [PDF]
58. Kunhao Yu^, Zhangzhengrong Feng^, Haixu Du^, Kyung Hoon Lee^, Ketian Li^, Yanchu Zhang^, Sami F. Masri, Qiming Wang*, Constructive adaptation of 3D-printable polymers in response to typically destructive aquatic environments, PNAS Nexus, 1 (3), pgac139, 2022. [PDF]
57. Kyung Hoon Lee^, Hasan Al Ba’ba’a^, Kunhao Yu^, Ketian Li^, Yanchu Zhang^, Haixu Du^, Sami F. Masri, Qiming Wang*, Magnetoactive Acoustic Topological Transistors, Advanced Science, 2201204, 2022. [PDF]
56. Yanchu Zhang^, Kunhao Yu^, Kyung Hoon Lee^, Ketian Li^, Haixu Du^, Qiming Wang*, Mechanics of Stretchy Elastomer Lattices, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 159, 104782, 2022. [PDF]
55. Yang Yang, Ziyu Wang, Qingqing He, Xiangjia Li, Gengxi Lu, Laiming Jiang, Yushun Zeng, Brandon Bethers, Jie Jin, Shuang Lin, Siqi Xiao, Yizhen Zhu, Xianke Wu, Wenwu Xu, Qiming Wang, Yong Chen, 3D Printing of Nacre inspired Structures with Exceptional Mechanical and Flame-retardant Properties, Research, 9840574, 2022. [PDF]
54. Hasan B. Al Ba’ba’a^*, Xue-Feng Zhu, Qiming Wang*, Enabling novel dispersion and topological characteristics in mechanical lattices via stable negative inertial coupling, Proceedings of the Royal Society A 477.2252(2021): 20200820. [PDF]
53. Zhiqiang Shen, Huilin Ye, Qiming Wang, Martin Kröger, and Ying Li, Sticky Rouse Time Features the Self-Adhesion of Supramolecular Polymer Networks. Macromolecules, 54, 11, 5053-5064 (2021). [PDF]
52. Guang Chen, Weikang Xian, Qiming Wang, Ying Li, Molecular Simulation-Guided and Physics-Informed Mechanistic Modeling of Multifunctional Polymers. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 37, 725–745 (2021). [PDF]
51. Kunhao Yu^, Zhangzhengrong Feng^, Haixu Du^, Qiming Wang*, Mechanics of Photosynthesis Assisted Polymer Strengthening, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 151,104382, 2021. [PDF]
50. An Xin^#, Yipin Su^#, Shengwei Feng, Minliang Yan^, Kunhao Yu^, Zhangzhengrong Feng^, Kyung Hoon Lee^, Lizhi Sun, Qiming Wang*, Growing living composites with ordered microstructures and exceptional mechanical properties, Advanced Materials, 2006946, 2021. [PDF] [news]
- Selected as Advanced Materials Frontispiece image: [PDF]
- Nature: Microbial makers help humans to build tough stuff
- NSF News: Can bacteria make better crack-resistant materials?
- USC Viterbi news: Can Bacteria Make Stronger Armor, Cars and Airplanes?
- Wired: The Mantis Shrimp Inspires a New Material—Made by Bacteria
49. Kunhao Yu^#, Zhangzhengrong Feng^#, Haixu Du^, An Xin^, Kyung Hoon Lee^, Ketian Li^, Yipin Su^, Qiming Wang*, Nicholas X Fang*, Chiara Daraio*, Photosynthesis Assisted Remodeling of Three-Dimensional Printed Structures, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118, 3, 2021. [PDF] [news]
- USC Viterbi news: Even machines need their greens
- NSF news: Even machines need their greens
48. An Xin^, Kunhao Yu^, Runrun Zhang^, Bingyuan Ruan^, Allyson L. McGaughey, Zhangzhengrong Feng^, Kyung Hoon Lee^, Yong Chen, Amy E. Childress, Qiming Wang*, Bone-Inspired Healing of 3D-Printed Porous Ceramics, Materials Horizons, 7, 2130-2140, 2020. [PDF]
47. Hasan Al Ba’ba’a^, Kunhao Yu^, Qiming Wang*, Elastically-supported lattices for tunable mechanical topological insulators, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 38, 100758, 2020. [PDF]
46. An Xin^, Haixu Du^, Kunhao Yu^, Qiming Wang*, Mechanics of Bacteria-Assisted Extrinsic Healing, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 139, 103938, 2020. [PDF]
45. Kunhao Yu^, Haixu Du^, An Xin^, Kyung Hoon Lee^, Zhangzhengrong Feng^, Sami F. Masri, Yong Chen, Guoliang Huang, Qiming Wang*, Healable, Memorizable, and Transformable Lattice Structures Made of Stiff Polymers, NPG Asia Materials, 12, 26, 2020. [PDF]
- Selected as the featured cover image
- USC Viterbi news: What If Airplanes Could Repair Their Own Damage?
44. Kyung Hoon Lee^, Kunhao Yu^, Hasan Al Ba’ba’a^, An Xin^, Zhangzhengrong Feng^, Qiming Wang*, Sharkskin-Inspired Magnetoactive Reconfigurable Acoustic Metamaterials, Research, 4825185, 2020. [PDF] [news]
- USC Viterbi news: A Future Sound “Computer”?
43. Kunhao Yu^, An Xin^, Zhangzhengrong Feng^, Kyung Hoon Lee^, Qiming Wang*, Mechanics of Self-Healing Thermoplastic Elastomers, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 137, 103831, 2020. [PDF]
42. Yang Yang, Xiangjia Li, Ming Chu, Haofan Sun, Jie Jin, Kunhao Yu^, Qiming Wang, Qifa Zhou, Yong Chen, Electrically assisted 3D printing of nacre-inspired structures with self-sensing capability, Science Advances, 5(4), eaau9490, 2019. [PDF] [news]
- USC Viterbi news: Using 3-D Printed Mother-of-Pearl to Create Tough New Smart Materials
41. Kunhao Yu^, An Xin^, Haixu Du^, Ying Li, Qiming Wang*, Additive Manufacturing of Self-Healing Elastomers, NPG Asia Materials, 11, 7, 2019. [PDF] [news]
- Selected as the featured cover image [link]
- Washington Post: A sneaker that fixes itself? It could be coming soon, by Lela nargi
- NASA Tech Briefs: 3D-printed Rubber Repairs Itself, by Billy Hurley.
- Materials Today: Breakthrough in 3D-printed self-healing soft materials, by Laurie Donaldson
- USC Viterbi news: Broke your shoe? What if it could repair itself? by Ashleen Knutsen
40. An Xin^, Runrun Zhang^, Kunhao Yu^, Qiming Wang*, Mechanics of Electrophoresis-Induced Reversible Hydrogel Adhesion, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 125, 1-21, 2019. [PDF]
39. Kunhao Yu^, An Xin^, Qiming Wang*, Mechanics of Light-Activated Self-Healing Polymer Networks, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 124, 643-662, 2019. [PDF]
38. Kunhao Yu^, Nicholas X. Fang, Guoliang Huang, Qiming Wang*, Magnetoactive Acoustic Metamaterials, Advanced Materials, 1706348, 2018. [PDF] [news]
- Viterbi News: 3-D printed active metamaterials for sound and vibration control.
- NSF News: 3-D printed active metamaterials for sound and vibration control
37. Kunhao Yu^, An Xin^, Qiming Wang*, Mechanics of self-healing polymer networks crosslinked by dynamic bonds, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 121, 409-431, 2018. [PDF]
36. Kunhao Yu^, Di Wang^, Qiming Wang*, Tough and Self-Healable Nanocomposite Hydrogels for Repeatable Water Treatment, Polymers, 10(8), 880, 2018. For the special issue “Mechanics of Emerging Polymers with Unprecedented Networks” co-edited by Qiming Wang. [PDF]
35. Alexa Hudnut, Lian Lash-Rosenberg, An Xin^, Juan Doblado, Cecilia Zurita-Lopez, Qiming Wang, Andrea Armani, Role of extracellular matrix in the biomechanical behavior of pancreatic tissue, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2018, 4, 1916-1923. [PDF]
34. Qiming Wang*, Zheming Gao^, Kunhao Yu^, Interfacial Self-healing of Nanocomposite Hydrogels: Theory and Experiment, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 109, 288-306, 2017. [PDF]
33. Tingyao Li^, Yanhui Jiang^, Kunhao Yu^, Qiming Wang*, Stretchable 3D Lattice Conductors, Soft Matter, 13, 7731-7739, 2017. [PDF]
- Selected as an Inside Front Cover and advanced article.
32. Qiming Wang*, Julie A. Jackson, Qi Ge, Jonathan B. Hopkins, Christopher M. Spadaccini, Nicholas X. Fang*, Lightweight Mechanical Metamaterials with Tunable Negative Thermal Expansion, Physical Review Letters, 117, 175901, 2016. [PDF] [news]
- Selected as PRL Editor’s Suggestion.
- Highlighted in APS Physics Focus: 3D Structure Shrinks When Heated.
- Science: New, star-shaped structures could mean longer lasting dental fillings and circuit boards
- USC News: Can you make a material that doesnot react to heat? USC research team thinks so, and is proving it.
31. Yanhui Jiang^, Qiming Wang*, Highly-stretchable 3D-architected Mechanical Metamaterials, Scientific Reports, 6, 34147, 2016. [PDF] [news]
30. Qiming Wang*, Zheming Gao^, A Constitutive Model of Nanocomposite Hydrogels with Nanoparticle Crosslinkers, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 96, 127-147, 2016. [PDF]
29. Qiming Wang*, Xuanhe Zhao*, Beyond Wrinkles: Multimodal Surface Instabilities for Multifunctional Patterning, MRS Bulletin, 41, 115-122 (2016). [PDF]
28. Qiming Wang, Gregory R. Gossweiler, Stephen L. Craig, Xuanhe Zhao, Mechanics of Mechanochemically Responsive Elastomers, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 82, 320–344 (2015). [PDF][code]
27. Qiming Wang, Xuanhe Zhao, A Three-Dimensional Phase Diagram of Growth-Induced Surface Instabilities, Scientific Reports, 5, 8887 (2015). [PDF] [news]
26. Phanindhar Shivapooja, Qiming Wang, Daniel Rittschof, Xuanhe Zhao, and Gabriel P. López, Dynamic surface deformation of silicone elastomers for management of marine biofouling: laboratory and field studies using pneumatic actuation, Biofouling, 31:3, 265-274 (2015). [PDF]
25. Qiming Wang, Gregory R. Gossweiler, Stephen L. Craig, Xuanhe Zhao, Cephalopod-inspired Design of Electro-mechano-chemically Responsive Elastomers for On-demand Fluorescent Patterning, Nature Communications, 5, 4899 (2014). [PDF] [news]
- Selected to win Arthur K. Doolittle Award, 2014 246th ACS National Meeting.
- Selected to win MRS graduate student award, 2014 MRS fall meeting
- Nature: Squid skin inspires colourful display.
- Washington Post: Camouflage that changes color and texture instantly, thanks to squid skin.
24. Vrad Levering#, Qiming Wang#, Phanindhar Shivapooja, Xuanhe Zhao, and Gabriel P. López, Soft Robotic Concepts in Catheter Design: an On-demand Fouling-release Urinary Catheter, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 3. 1588-1596 (2014). (# equal contribution) [PDF] [news]
23. Qiming Wang, Xuanhe Zhao, Phase Diagrams of Instabilities in Compressed Film-Substrate Systems, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 81, 051004 (2014). [PDF]
- Selected to win 2015 Journal of Applied Mechanics Award.
22. Qiming Wang, Dominick Robinson, and Xuanhe Zhao, On-Demand Hierarchical Patterning with Electric Fields, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 231605 (2014). [PDF]
21. Qiming Wang, Anirudh C. Mohan, Michelle L. Oyen, Xuanhe Zhao, Separating Viscoelasticity and Poroelasticity of Gels with Different Length and Time Scales, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 30, 20 (2014). [PDF]
20. Xuanhe Zhao and Qiming Wang, Harnessing Large Deformation and Instabilities of Soft Dielectrics: Theory, Experiment and Application, Applied Physics Reviews, 1, 021304 (2014). [PDF]
19. Gregory R. Gossweiler, Gihan B. Hewage, Gerardo Soriano, Qiming Wang, Garrett W. Welshofer, Xuanhe Zhao, Stephen L. Craig, Reversible and Repeatable Mechanochemical Activation of Covalent Bonds in an Elastic Solid, ACS Macro Letter, 3, 216–219 (2014). [PDF]
- Nature chemistry: Flex, release and repeat
18. Shaoting Lin, Changyong Cao, Qiming Wang, Mark Gonzalez, John E. Dolbow, Xuanhe Zhao, Design Stiff, Tough and Stretchy Hydrogels via Nanoscale Hybrid Crosslinking and Macroscale Fiber Reinforcement, Soft Matter, 10, 7519 (2014). [PDF]
17. Phanindhar Shivapooja#, Qiming Wang#, Beatriz Orihuela, Daniel Rittschof, Gabriel P. Lopez, Xuanhe Zhao, Bioinspired Surfaces with Dynamic Topography for Active Control of Biofouling, Advanced Materials, 25, 1430 (2013). (# equal contribution) [PDF] [news]
- Selected as shortlist for Ship Technology Global Innovation in Energy Efficiency Awards 2013.
- Discovery: Twitchy Coating Shakes Off Ship Scum, Barnacles.
- NBC news: Material will allow ships to shake off scum.
16. Qiming Wang, Xuanhe Zhao, Creasing-Wrinkling Transition in Elastomer Films under Electric Fields, Physical Review E, 88, 042403 (2013). [PDF]
15. Jianfeng Zang, Seunghwa Ryu, Nicola Pugno, Qiming Wang, Qing Tu, Markus J. Buehler Xuanhe Zhao, Multifunctionality and Control of the Crumpling and Unfolding of Large-Area Graphene, Nature Materials, 12, 321 (2013). [PDF] [news]
- Discovery: Top 10 Uses for the World’s Strongest Material.
14. Harold S. Park, Qiming Wang, Xuanhe Zhao, Patrick A. Klein, Electromechanical Instability on Dielectric Polymer Surface: Modeling and Experiment, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 260, 40–49 (2013). [PDF]
13. Qiming Wang, Zhigang Suo, Xuanhe Zhao, Bursting Drops in Solid Dielectrics Caused by High Voltages, Nature Communications, 3, 1157 (2012). [PDF] [news]
- Selected as Featured Image of Nature Communications.
- Physics Today: Watching Droplets Deform in Solid.
12. Qiming Wang, Mukarram Tahir, Jianfeng Zang, and Xuanhe Zhao, Dynamic Electrostatic Lithography: Multiscale On-demand Patterning on Large-Area Curved Surfaces, Advanced Materials, 24, 1947-1951 (2012). [PDF] [news]
- Highlighted in Advanced Materials Frontispiece.
- BBC Focus: Spy gloves could leave false prints.
- MIT Technology Review (Chinese): On-demand alter plastic texture.
11. Qiming Wang, Xiaofan Niu, Qibing Pei, Michael Dickey, Xuanhe Zhao, Electromechanical Instabilities of Thermoplastics: Theory and In Situ Observation, Applied Physics Letters, 101, 141911 (2012). [PDF]
10. Y Jiang, Q Wang, Y Cui, Y Huo, S Ding, L Zhang, Y Li, Prediction of the micro-thermo-mechanical behaviors in dispersion nuclear fuel plates with heterogeneous particle distributions, Journal of Nuclear Materials 418 (1), 69-79 (2012).
9. Qiming Wang, Lin Zhang, Xuanhe Zhao, Creasing to Cratering instability in polymers under ultrahigh electric fields, Physical Review Letters, 106, 118301 (2011). [PDF] [news]
- Duke Pratt news: Creasing To Cratering: Voltage Breaks Down Plastic.
8. Qiming Wang, Mukarram Tahir, Lin Zhang, Xuanhe Zhao, Electro-creasing Instability in Deformed Polymers: Experiment and Theory, Soft Matter, 7, 6583 (2011). [PDF]
7. Qiming Wang, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding, Simulation of the coupling features of fuel and matrix irradiation swelling and cladding irradiation growth in the plate-type dispersion fuel element, Mechanics of Materials, 43, 222-241 (2011).
6. Lin Zhang, Qiming Wang, Xuanhe Zhao, Mechanical Constraints Enhance Electrical Energy Densities of Soft Dielectrics, Applied Physics Letter, 99, 171906 (2011). [PDF]
5. Yijie Jiang, Qiming Wang, Yi Cui, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding, Simulation of the irradiation hardening of Zircaloy within the plate-type dispersion nuclear fuel element, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 413, 76-89 (2011).
4. Qiming Wang, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding, Numerical Study on the thermal-elastoplastic behaviors of plate-type dispersion nuclear fuel elements, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, 11, 477-487 (2010).
3. Shurong Ding, Qiming Wang, Yongzhong Huo, Mechanical behaviors of the dispersion nuclear fuel plates induced by fuel particle swelling and thermal effect II: effects of variations of the fuel particle diameters, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 397, 80-91 (2010).
2. Qiming Wang, Xiaoqing Yan, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding, Mechanical behaviors of the dispersion nuclear fuel plates induced by fuel particle swelling and thermal effect I: effects of variations of the fuel particle volume fractions, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 400, 157-174 (2010).
1. Qiming Wang, Xiaoqing Yan, Yongzhong Huo, Shurong Ding, Research on the interfacial behaviors of plate-type dispersion nuclear fuel elements, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 399, 41-54 (2010).