2024 Presentation on Requirements

Insurance, immunizations requirements, and services

This overview was presented live on June 20, 2024 as a webinar. Download the video file.
Notes on services, from patient access, to care coordination, to advice nurse. Download the video file.

Chinese-Language Presentation

2024 Presentation Materials

  • Chinese language materials (You are also welcome to check this videorecording below in Mandarin to learn about our comprehensive care and information about the health insurance plan (SHIP). 欢迎您观看中文录制讲座以了解我们全面的护理服务,和学生健康保险计划(SHIP)。)
  • Download the presentation slides. 下载讲座幻灯片。

Resource materials are available for watching, browsing and downloading — these may help you get ready to join USC and answer some questions you may have. We strongly recommend reading through the materials on this page.

Reading room — English materials

Reading room — Chinese language (中文版) materials

Information about Health Insurance

Insurance Information
Insurance Information