Chinese-language information 致家长(中文版)

Dear USC Parent 尊敬的南加州大学学生家长:

Our USC Student Health team is here to help your student make a successful transition into college life in the U.S. We understand that pursuing education in a new country is both exciting and challenging, and our programs are designed to help your student make the best decisions to support their health, well-being, and overall positive development.


As parents, you play an influential role in supporting their decision-making, confidence and mental health. 


We are pleased to provide resources to help bridge an understanding of how best to support your USC student, including the recorded presentation below on mental health.


USC Student Health | Keck Medicine of USC

You are also welcome to check this recording below in both English and Mandarin to learn about our comprehensive care and information about the health insurance plan (SHIP).


Click on image to link to the Zoom recording. 点击图像链接到Zoom视频。Download the presentation slides. 下载讲座幻灯片。

Click on image to link to the Zoom recording. Download the presentation slides. 点击图像链接到Zoom视频。下载讲座幻灯片

Please encourage your student to learn about our resources, and to reach out when they feel they need help.
