Fundraiser for Armenia [AAA] (Oct. 1st-9th, 2020)

The USC School of Pharmacy Armenian Affinity Association (AAA) has started a fundraiser to support Armenia in light of the current devastating attacks in Artsahk.

To participate in this fundraiser, buy as many raffle tickets as you would like for a shot at a $50 Amazon gift card. One ticket is $5, and all proceeds will be donated to directly to the Armenia Fund, the largest humanitarian organization serving the needs of the Armenia and the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh).

Sign up: here!
Deadline: Friday, October 9th
Venmo: @Armenian-Affinity-Association



Thanks to the help and support of our community, and the family and friends of our community, we raised $11,700. Additionally, we were able to match the full donation with additional help from Armenian businesses in Southern California, for a total donation of $23,400 to Armenia Fund!

We would like to formally thank our community members for your continued help and support during these difficult times.

If you, or anyone you know, has any questions about the current state of affairs or needs someone to talk to, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at Additionally, we are continuously posting updates on our Instagram page, @AAAofUSCPharm, of current events, so please feel free to follow us for more information!

Once again, we thank you all for your help and support.

Armenian Affinity Group