Ayoung (Alice) Phang, PhD
Embedded: APASS
Lived Experience: Asian/Pacific Islander and Desi Identified
Additional Languages: Korean
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Clinical Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Keck School of Medicine of USC

Ayoung “Alice” Phang, PhD, received her doctorate degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Houston and her master’s degree in Psychology from Yonsei University. Her passion is to help individuals become the best versions of themselves. Her clinical interests include social anxiety, emotional intelligence, career counseling, and international students.

Phang utilizes evidence-based treatment approaches that include Biopsychosocial Practice, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and Interpersonal Therapy. She serves as the embedded counselor for the Office of International Services.

Phang is from Seoul, South Korea, and can provide therapy in Korean. She enjoys reading books about psychology and business while sipping on a cup of coffee as well as practicing her golf swing. She would tell her college self: “Speak your truth. Even if your voice shakes.”

Her pronouns are she, her, hers.