Remembering Willowbrook Artist Team with temporary memory markers over the Compton Creek on 120th Street during November Willowbrook Memory Procession (USC team, LA Commons, Delaino Barris (Willowbrook Artist), Reggie Johnson (WIN) and Willowbrook Youth Artists). Willowbrook youth artists continuing to make marks. Willowbrook Memory Procession. Core Willowbrook monuments team in the Willowbrook Community Garden. Polaroids by Willowbrook artist Asja Ozen of the Willowbrook Memory Procession. Willowbrook Memory Procession; prototype memory markers over Compton Creek at 120th Street. “Bearing Witness” memory marker at Magic Johnson Park. Willowbrook Memory Procession. Raising the marker together at Magic Johnson Park. Willowbrook Memory Procession. Augmented Reality to rebel archive as part of “Bearing Witness” memory marker at Magic Johnson Park. Willowbrook Memory Procession. Willowbrook Lead Artist Delaino Barris pictured. Memory marker in the Willowbrook Community Garden. Rose Pinkney and the Willowbrook Community Garden. Pictured speaking: Ronieka Pinkney. Memory marker in background. Willowbrook Memory Procession. Willowbrook Story Summit. Willowbrook Story Summit. Inaugural Willowbrook Art Hop (August 2021), a collaboration between LACMA, LA Commons, Willowbrook Inclusion Network and our USC Remembering Willowbrook Arts in Action team. Memory portals by Profs Aroussiak Gabrielian and Alison Hirsch; each of the portals featured the work of one Willowbrook artist animated by projection mapping and sound overlay as a multimedia “assemblage” inspired by the artistic legacy of the area. Memory assemblage featuring ‘Lana’ by Charles Dickson. Memory portals showcasing objects from local artists situated in dynamic projection mappings with audio overlay of stories being told about Willowbrook. Willowbrook Story Summit, October 2021. Community Engagement during the Willowbrook Art Hop. Engagement at the Willowbrook Art Hop. Engagement material at the Willowbrook Art Hop. Engagement at the Willowbrook Art Hop. Leslie Dinkin (MLA/MHC ‘23) running the assemblage workshop at the Willowbrook Art Hop. Assemblage materials at the Willowbrook Art Hop. Leslie Dinkin and Jonathan Tolentino working on the memory garden during the Willowbrook Memory Procession, Nov. 2021. Various assemblage tiles made to evoke the feeling of Willowbrook created by community members, to be installed in the Willowbrook Community Garden. MLA+U Student and Landscape Justice Initiative Research Assistant Kavya Gudihal and LJI Director Alison Hirsch worked with LA Commons and Willowbrook Inclusion Network (WIN) on the 3rd Annual Willowbrook Art Hop where Kavya and Alison presented the development of the monuments project and received feedback on the design development. Remembering Willowbrook Progress Report with 5-Part Strategy. Community feedback board of ‘The Story Corridor’ for the 3rd annual Willowbrook Art Hop. (leave feedback in link below) Community feedback board of the ‘Bearing Witness’ monument for the 3rd annual Willowbrook Art Hop. (leave feedback in link below) Community feedback board of the ‘’Bridging and Building’ monument for the 3rd annual Willowbrook Art Hop. (leave feedback in link below) Community feedback board of the ‘Deep Connections’ monument for the 3rd annual Willowbrook Art Hop. (leave feedback in link below) Willowbrook in context engagement board. MLA+U students presented the latest development of the community monuments designs to the LA Metro Transit to Parks Summit in November 2022 (students: Zoe Detweiler, Sarina Vega, Dae Elliott and Viraj Chauhan). Around Willowbrook. Around Willowbrook. Around Willowbrook. Around Willowbrook. Landscape Architecture, Heritage Conservation and Architecture students in Willowbrook with Reginald Johnson, Founder of the Willowbrook Inclusion Network (WIN), May 2021.
Aroussiak Gabrielian, Alison Hirsch, USC; LA Commons; Willowbrook Inclusion Network; LACMA; with students: Leslie Dinkin and Jonathan Tolentino, [Phase 1], and Daniela Velazco [Phase 2], and Kavya Gudihal [Phase 3].
Project Partners: LA Commons and Willowbrook Inclusion NetworkSupported by USC Arts-in-Action and the Tomorrowland Projects Foundation 2021-2022 [Phase 1]2022-2023 [Phase 2; ongoing] |
Monuments and the Future of Memory – Remembering Willowbrook (part of series called ‘Prosthetic Landscapes,’ challenging the future of memorial-making)Click here to see the proposal to the community. Please send us your feedback at this form Click here to see the “Remembering Willowbrook” report draft. Click here to see the finalist projects for the next phase of Willowbrook Community Monuments. Supported by a USC Arts-in-Action grant, this project is a collaboration between USC’s MLA+U and LA Commons, a non-profit community arts organization focused on South Los Angeles, and Willowbrook Inclusion Network. As part of a triad of “memorials” generated to challenge the traditional memorial as an inert monument dedicated to completed events of the past, the project, originally titled Memorial to Black Lives, reflects both on lives lost and lives lived – moving from trauma to resistance to resilience to liberation and joy, and ultimately serving as a vehicle for mobilization. Focusing on South Los Angeles, and specifically the Willowbrook neighborhood, physical and new media monuments will acknowledge histories and legacies of state violence and simultaneously celebrate histories of Black achievement, expression and Joy in the public realm.
Negotiating sites and narratives of trauma and resilience as a starting point to consider practices of memorialization in the 21st-century, students from across the School of Architecture are collaborating with Hirsch/Gabrielian and LA Commons in community storycircles and participatory workshops to develop immersive storylines about particular places, as well as prototypes for physical markings in collaboration with local artists. In addition to the physical and new media monuments creating a Memory Infrastructure in Willowbrook, final programming in Fall 2021 included a performative procession through the sites of significance.
Collaborating with LACMA, Willowbrook Inclusion Network (WIN), LA Commons, Los Angeles County Department of Arts + Culture and Los Angeles County Department of Parks + Recreation, we worked to curate the first ever Willowbrook Art Hop in August 2021. Part of this included a series of multi-media memory portals celebrating local artists. Taking inspiration from assemblage art practice critical to the history portals artistic expression in the Willowbrook-Watts-Compton area, these theaters – combining physical artifacts, sound, light and narrative – became a kind of assemblage mini-monument themselves and part of the larger process of elevating the memories of Willowbrook into narrative monuments through which the community can tell its own story. With a student-led assemblage workshop, the Willowbrook Art Hop provided the opportunity for further workshopping around monuments, memory and memorialization in Willowbrook. This has continued through the Willowbrook Story Summit and other events leading up to the procession. Beyond the procession, the intention is to work with local artists, LA Commons, Willowbrook Inclusion Network and LA Metro to develop the physical monuments along the 120th Street corridor.
Phase II: USC students presented their final outcomes from our 2022 Vertical Workshop design charrette for which they worked with LA Commons, WIN, Willowbrook-contributing artist George Evans, and Willowbrook Youth Team 2.0 to design the monument strategies themselves. The top 3 finalist teams went on to present their work in the LA Metro Transit to Parks Summit. These finalist ideas will be worked into an implementation plan and proposal for funding to work with local artists to realize [ongoing in 2023-2024; Phase III].