Dr. Meshkati’s Page on Chernobyl

Here are some other interesting and informative sites on Chernobyl and nuclear power development:
U.S. Department of Energy International Nuclear Safety Program
DOE Chernobyl Initiatives
Argonne National Laboratory’s International Nuclear Safety Center
OECD Nuclear Energy Agency’s “Chernobyl Ten Years — On Radiological and Health Impact”
Chernobyl Internet Resources (maintained by Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University, Japan)
Newsweek Magazine (Oct 18, 1999): “Where is the Next Chernobyl?”
CNN Presents Chernobyl: Legacy of a Meltdown (April 4, 1996)
The Uranium Institute
Chernobyl: The Accident and Progress Since 1986
Nuclear Industry WWW Sites
Kurchatov Institute — The Causes of the Accident
Radiation and Health Physics at the University of Michigan
Information on Chernobyl and the Surrounding Area
Ten Years of the Chernobyl Era (article by Dr. Yuri M.Shcherbak, published in the Scientific American, April 1996)
324 Chernobyl Photos (from DoE’s INSP Project)
GREENPEACE’s “Ten Years After Chernobyl” Photo Archive
Nuclear Information and Resource Service
Manifest – Database About Chernobyl
Chernobyl: An Update (by students of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University, USA)
Nuclear Information World Wide Web Server
American Nuclear Society (ANS)
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Children of Chernobyl Project (Ireland)
Canadian Aid for Chernobyl (Canada)
Un Sorriso per Chernobyl (Smile for Chernobyl) (Italy)
Simulation and Control of a Nuclear Power Plant (by Henrik Eriksson, Linkoping Univeristy, Sweden)