favorites R. Weinberg: One Renegade Cell R. Weinberg: The Biology of Cancer S. Mukherjee: The Emperor of All Maladies S. Mukherjee: Gene Hofbauer and Sigmund: Evolutionary Games J. Maynard-Smith: Evolution and the Theory of Games M. Nowak: Evolutionary Dynamics Schrodinger: What is Life? R Feynman: Lectures on Physics R. Phillips et. al.: Physical Biology of the Cell J. Gillespie: Population Genetics: A Concise Guide J. Watson: The Double Helix Courant and Hilbert Vol. 1 Courant and Hilbert Vol. 2 A. Sommerfeld: Vol 1. Mechanics A. Sommerfeld: Vol 2. Mechanics of Deformable Bodies A. Sommerfeld: Vol 3. Electrodynamics Vol 4. Optics A. Sommerfeld: Vol 5. Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics A. Sommerfeld: Vol 6. Partial Differential Equations in Physics Cover and Thomas: Elements of Information Theory Trefethen and Embree: Spectra and Pseudospectra Ross: Introduction to Probability Models Grimmett and Stirzaker: Probability and Random Processes Kemeny and Snell: Finite Markov Chains Lighthill: Fourier Analysis and Generalized Functions Khinchin: Statistical Mechanics Abraham and Marsden: Foundations of Mechanics Moser: Stable and Random Motions in Dynamical Systems Hirsch: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Gelfand: Calculus of Variations E. Zauderer: PDEs of Applied Math M. Newman: Networks P. Garabedian: PDE’s H. Berg: Random Walks in Biology M. Kirby: Geometric Data Analysis T. Needham: Visual Complex Analysis