oncology classics

  • P. Rous, A Sarcoma of the Fowl Transmissible by an Agent Separable from the Tumor Cells, J. of Exp. Med. 13(4) April 1 397- 411 (1911) (pdf)
  • R. Doll, A.B. Hill, Smoking and Carcinoma of the Lung, Br Med. J. Sept. 30 739-748 (1950) (pdf)
  • R. Doll, A.B. Hill, A Study of the Aetiology of Carcinoma of the Lung, Br Med. J. Dec. 13 1271-1286 (1952) (pdf)
  • C.O. Nordling, A New Theory on Cancer-Inducing Mechanism, Br. J. Cancer 7, 68-72 (1953) (pdf)
  • R. Doll, A.B. Hill, The Mortality of Doctors in Relation to their Smoking Habits, Br. Med. J. June 26 1451-1455 (1954) (pdf)
  • P. Armitage, R. Doll, The Age Distribution of Cancer and a Multi-Stage Theory of Carcinogenesis, Br. J. Cancer Vol. 8 (1) 1-12 (1954) (pdf)
  • P. Armitage, R. Doll, A Two-Stage Theory of Carcinogenesis in Relation to the Age Distribution of Human Cancer, Br. J. Cancer Vol. 11 (2) 161-169 (1957) (pdf)
  • P.C. Nowell, D.A. Hungerford, Chromosome Studies on Normal and Leukemic Human Leukocytes, J. Nat’l. Cancer Inst. Vol 25, No. 1 July 85-109 (1960) (pdf)
  • A.K. Laird, Dynamics of Tumor Growth: Comparison of Growth Rates and Extrapolation of Growth Curve to One Cell, Br. J. Cancer 19(2) June 278-291 (1965) (pdf)
  • C. Huggins, Endocrine-Induced Regression of CancersNobel Lecture Dec. 13 (1966) (pdf)
  • J. Folkman, Tumor Angiogenesis: Therapeutic Implications, New Eng. J. Med. Vol 285 No. 21 1182-1186 (1971) (pdf)
  • J. Maynard Smith, G.R. Price, The Logic of Animal Conflict, Nature Vol. 246 Nov. 2 15-18 (1973) (pdf)
  • J. Maynard Smith, The Theory of Games and the Evolution of Animal Conflicts, J. Theor. Bio. 47, 209-221 (1974) (pdf)
  • P.C. Nowell, The Clonal Evolution of Tumor Cell Populations, Science Vol. 194 Oct. 1 23-28 (1976) (pdf)
  • D. Stehelin, H.E. Varmus, J.M. Bishop, P.K. Vogt, DNA Related to the Transforming Gene(s) of Avian Sarcoma Viruses is Present in Normal Avian DNA, Nature Vol. 260 March 11 170-173 (1976) (pdf)
  • L. Norton, R. Simon, Tumor Size, Sensitivity to Therapy, and Design of Treatment Schedules, Cancer Treat Rep. 61(7) Oct. 1307-1317 (1977) (pdf)
  • P.D. Taylor, L.B. Jonker, Evolutionary Stable Strategies and Game Dynamics, Math. Biosci. 40, 145-156 (1978) (pdf)
  • L. Norton, A Gompertzian Model of Human Breast Cancer Growth, Cancer Res. 48 7067-7071 (1988) (pdf)
  • E.R. Fearon, B. Vogelstein, A Genetic Model for Colorectal Tumorigenesis, Cell Vol 61 759-767 June 1 (1990) (pdf)
  • M. Hollstein, D. Sidransky, B. Vogelstein, C.C. Harris, p53 Mutations in Human Cancers, Science Vol 253 July 5 49-53 (1991) (pdf)
  • D.R. Leach, M.F. Krummel, J.P. Allison, Enhancement of Antitumor Immunity by CTLA-4 Blockade, Science Vol. 271, 1734-1736 March (1996) (pdf)
  • B. Vogelstein, D. Lane, A.J. Levine, Surfing the p53 Network, Nature Vol. 408 16 Nov. 307-310 (2000) (pdf)
  • D. Hanahan, R. Weinberg, The Hallmarks of Cancer, Cell Vol. 100 57-70 Jan. 7 (2000) (pdf)
  • M. Cristofanilli et. al Circulating Tumor Cells, Disease Progression, and Survival in Metastatic Breast Cancer, New Eng. J. Med. Vol. 351 No. 8 781-791 (2004) (pdf)
  • M-Y Kim, T. Oskarsson, S. Acharyya, D.X. Nguyen, X.H.F. Zhang, L. Norton, J. Massagué, Tumor Self-Seeding by Circulating Cancer Cells, Cell 139, 1315-1326, Dec. 24 (2009) (pdf)
  • D. Hanahan, R. Weinberg, Hallmarks of Cancer: The Next Generation, Cell Vol. 144 646-674 March 4 (2011)  (pdf)

Useful review papers

  • Nature Milestones: Cancer, Nature April (2006) (pdf)
  • B.A. Chambers, T.G. Roberts Jr., Chemotherapy and the war on cancer, Nature Reviews: Cancer, Vol. 5 Jan. 65-72 (2005) (pdf)
  • K. Sigmund, M. Nowak, Evolutionary Game Theory, Current Biology, Vol. 9, No. 14 R503-R505 (1999) (pdf)
  • J. Hofbauer, K. Sigmund, Evolutionary Game Dynamics, Bull. of the Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 40 No. 4 479-519 (2003) (pdf)
  • F. Michor, Y. Iwasa, M.A. Nowak, Dynamics of Cancer Progression, Nature Reviews Cancer Vol. 4 197-205 March (2004) (pdf)
  • N.V. Mantzaris, S. Webb, H.G. Othmer, Mathematical Modeling of Tumor-induced Angiogenesis, J. Math. Biol. 49 111-187 (2004) (pdf)
  • M.A. Nowak, K. Sigmund, Evolutionary Dynamics of Biological Games, Science Vol. 303 Feb. 6 793-798 (2004) (pdf)
  • L.M.F. Merlo, J.W. Pepper, B.J. Reid, C.C. Maley, Cancer as an Evolutionary and Ecological Process, Nature Reviews Cancer Vol. 6 924-935 Dec. (2006) (pdf)
  • V.T. DeVita, E. Chu, A History of Cancer Chemotherapy, Cancer Res. 68(21) 8643-8653 (2008) (pdf)
  • C.P. Roca, J.A. Cuesta, A. Sanchez, Evolutionary Game Theory: Temporal and Spatial Effects Beyond Replicator Dynamics, Phys. of Life Rev. 6 2008-249 (2009) (pdf)
  • E. Comen, L. Norton, J. Massagué, Clinical Implications of Cancer Self-Seeding, Nature Rev. Clinic. Onc. Vol. 8 June 369-377 (2011) (pdf)
  • R.J. Gilles, D. Verduzco, R.A. Gatenby, Evolutionary Dynamics of Carcinogenesis and Why Targeted Therapy Does Not Work, Nature Reviews Cancer Vol. 12 487-493 July (2012) (pdf)
  • H. Enderling, M. Chaplain, Mathematical Modeling of Tumor Growth and Treatment, Current Pharma. Design Vol. 20 No. 30 4934-4940 (2014) (pdf)
  • P.M. Altrock, L.L. Liu, F. Michor, The Mathematics of Cancer: Integrating Quantitative Models, Nature Reviews Cancer Vol. 15 730-745 Dec. (2015) (pdf)
  • J. West, Z. Hasnain, J. Mason, P.K. Newton, The Prisoner’s Dilemma as a Cancer Model, Converg. Sci. Phys. Oncol. 2 035002 (2016) (pdf)
  • I. Bozik, M.A. Nowak, Resisting Resistance, Ann. Rev. Cancer Bio. Vol. 1 203-221 (2017) (pdf)
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